Monday, September 29, 2014

Leisurely Goodbye to Missouri

I can't believe a week has gone by already.  I had such a great time!

After Maria picked me up in St. Louis, she took me to a wonderful French bakery for lunch.  Here's just one of the amazing tarts that she bought for later.  Yum!

The second day I was there, the electrical kit, appropriate for seven year old kids, arrived.  I was a bit nervous as to whether I could actually help Kylie build anything, but we were very gratified to complete a simple circuit.  I'll tell you, we sure were excited when that light lit up! The next day, we converted direct electrical current to mechanical energy, powering a rotor, which Kiley called a fan.  Yes, it did provide  a nice breeze.

Today Kylie and her Aunt Beccah will tackle another project because I'm here in St. Louis at the Drury Inn.  I am so happy Jack (Maria's hubby) thought of this! Not only did I not want to take a 4 a.m. shuttle from Columbia, but also, I'm tired.  This place is amazing -- they have already given me three drink tickets (yes, alcoholic drinks) for the "Kick Back" that starts at 5:30 p.m. From what Maria said, those munchies are also free, but I don't care if I have to pay.  Tomorrow, the full continental breakfast is free.  Not bad for $120/night (plus tax).


The Roots and Blues music festival was terrific! Maria (bless her!) lugged hard plastic chairs and a little plastic table, so we were like queens having a good time.  I was pretty annoyed the second night because they made her pour her water and ice out.  That meant she had to wend her way through the crowd to a water station and the water was lukewarm.  But I did a great job of eating my way through the festival and I'm very grateful that Maria stood in line and brought the food.


Kylie is very intelligent, suprisingly so at times.  But I have to confess that I'm glad I don't have a seven year old to take care of.  Our Miss K doesn't stop talking.  I didn't realize that, even when working, I have long periods of time when I don't have to pay attention to what someone is saying.


After we had breakfast in downtown Columbia one day, we poked around in an art gallery up the block.  Maria's friend, who made the patchwork tiger, had the cutest pants for "bad" babies.  They are made from quilter's cotton of very bright colors and that is her brand: Bad Baby.  They and some of her quilts were in the gallery next to beautiful glass pieces.  No, I did not buy anything.


So I have to admit to some really selfish thinking when I heard of the poor soul who had tried self-immolation at O'Hare.  That's where I'm connecting to Boston.  Supposedly, my flight won't be affected at all.  I certainly hope that he is on heavy medication to not feel pain.


Maria's Fabulous Breakfast:  Maria had invited Jim and Joanne and Beccah for breakfast.  I had sent an Atkins' Apple Orchard cake mix which she made.  Then she topped it with fruit compote, and very loose whipped cream with cinnamon.  That was 'breakfast dessert' after a fabulous vegetable fritata.  Yes, she grew much of the vegetables and herbs.  My friend Maria was Martha Stewart before Martha Stewart was Martha Stewart.  (Not really, Maria's younger.)

You're right ... I'm waiting for cocktail time.  Ciao!

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