Sunday, October 6, 2013

More "Adventures" 10-6-13

I forgot to tell you: after the diner yesterday, I got gas at the station next door.  As we were pulling out, Deb got really agitated and reached over pounding on my horn.  WTF?  And she pointed and said, "Wallet! Keep tooting your horn! Pull up beside her!!"  Well, I couldn't pull up next to the car because we were on the highway by then and a car would have hit me, but I saw what Deb was trying to do.  The woman had pulled out of the gas station in front of us and she had left her wallet on the trunk of her car.

So I kept honking like crazy and she pulled over to the side.  Deb hopped out, grabbed the wallet and handed it to her on the passenger (curb) side.  The woman said, "Thank you SO much!!"  We figured we were adding to our good karma.


I got back a little while ago from the Modern Quilt Guild that met in Northampton. I think I'll join.  My favorite star quilter, Timna Tarr, was there.  We had an exercise where we got a word and we were supposed to draw an inspiration for a quilt from that word.  Can you tell what my word was? (One woman got it almost right away!)

Hint: I started in the center.

The word was "starstruck."  It made me think of "Starry Nights," and if you look really hard, you can 'see' constellations ... oh, well, it was fun anyway.

My crockpot full of chicken caccitore is done for our potluck at work tomorrow. And I have just finished making vegetable beef soup with leeks and potatoes (and every thing else that was in my fridge).  Deb helped me clean out science experiments on Saturday and that was way embarrassing.  No more science experiements! (Rotten veggies sure smell bad!)


1 comment:

  1. Wow loved your posts and that woman was lucky to get her purse back. When I get out of my car to fill up with petrol I lock the car until I've finished filling the tank then I unlock the car go to my bag and get my purse out lock the car again and then go pay for the fuel. But I have seen others do what that woman did. Luckily they remembered before it was too late and retrieved their bags or purses.


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