Monday, September 28, 2015

Sunday and We Perked Up a Bit

Well, the weather is fantastic! (Of course, you know, I'm writing this on Monday -- but pretend it's Sunday.)

It's another nice, sunny, fall day that is cool but not even cool enough for a sweater.  So after church, I picked Ann up and we went to our favorite fish place for fish (it's in Northampton).

On the way back, I stopped at the Hadley Garden Center and got a venus fly trap for Lisa.  We have fruit flies in the office because someone eats a banana a day -- go potassium! -- and the flies love the skin.  I figure the fly trap will eat the fruit flies and we will all be happy.  Oh yeah, Monday we will celebrate Lisa's birthday.

After that, we both had to see the new Atkins which I am calling "Atkins North."  Coincidentally enough, it's in North Amherst.  Here's what we saw.

Color is unretouched -- blue sky!

We were greeted by these cabbages (below). I insisted that Ann be a hand model because I did not think you would believe me when I said, 'These are HUGE.'  I swear one weighed 8 pounds, if not more. That's a lot of galumpkies! I think those cabbages were out in the field just a tad too long.

After buying a couple of things, we said a fond farewell.

Ann found a friend (above) as we were leaving.


It was so good to see Ann after she had spent the summer in the Adirondacks.  Of course, she's not idle for the three months. She's like a regular Santa's elf making hand crafted items for the South Amherst Congregational Sleigh Bell Fair.  Below are only two of the MANY baskets and/or tote bags filled with little animals and their own mini quilt. So far, she has sewn dogs, cats, turtles, bears, baby dolls, and now owls.

The eyes and feathers are hand embroidered.

Please note the spool of thread for a size reference.

The nests are crocheted fabric. The others are a mini quilted tote bag.

Needless to say, I am in awe of Ann's talents. However, she's never going to get rid of her stash of fabric if she keeps making smaller and smaller items!  By the way, each nest with all of those owls will sell for $25.

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