Sunday, September 13, 2015

Reflections and Some Photos on a Rainy Sunday

It's not officially raining at the moment, but it has been and the weather is still glowering. Reading some of my friends on FB, they are in a reflective mood as well.

Mom went to Boston yesterday to return to Palm Springs.  I'm sure she is glad to be home, but I miss here already. She was here for two short weeks and even though it was an adjustment, we had a good time.

Of course, Mom has the PS attitude: "You don't know from heat!" So when I walked into an 81 F. kitchen after air conditioned work, she was perfectly fine with the temperature and I was dying of the heat.
"As If It Were" net sculpture in Boston goes away in October.

This is the Fed (Fed.Reserve Bank of Boston) where Mom worked for many years.

Mom worked on the 32nd floor of the Fed.  The view was fantastic from her boss' office and I even got to go on his tiny balcony.  I wish I had taken pictures!! 

Of course, in those days, that was before I got my Pentax K 1000. My (now) ex-husband gave it to me for my birthday and it was one of the nicest things he could have done. I felt obligated to not "waste" film and subsequent developing charges so most of the pictures are of new baby, 'nother new baby, new house, kids growing up, etc.

But the digital camera (Panasonic Lumix DMC-LZ20) is a blessing because I can snap to my heart's content -- and until I get that one good one out of 100. Very quickly I realized the necessity of rechargeable batteries and a mini charging station!

Did I tell you we (Mom, Emily, and I) went to North Conway, NH to show Mom Deb and Paul's house and improvements they have made? Mom and I had fun in the center of North Conway.

Outside of one of the general stores

Yankee Ingenuity


We had Deb with us when we took this picture of "the view." I have been informed that this is Mount Washington, and I was standing in North Conway, NH.


Meanwhile, back at the ranch ... we decided to take pictures of 3 generations. I would have liked to have included Paul, Deb's husband, but he was off fly fishing.  So Deb figured out how to use the timer on my camera. The first couple were a riot. We didn't know that there was a "pre-flash flash" so the flash caught us by surprise several times.  Also, we had to make an exact space for Deb to run into.  (Yes, I made the quilted wall hanging.)

After a couple of tries, we were getting closer

One second delay is NOT enough.  Funny though

I am not comfortable in seeing how large I am, but here I am in real life.

I've got to add another post because it has been too long and I'll never know what's in them!

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