Yes, this is the current exhibit. I really hope there is a Part 2 while I'm still here!
Mom remarked how this mirrored a ram's horn. (You can see mountain goats here.)
This is a zillion drinking glasses.
Sorry it's tough to read. I really did think the glass was a carpet.
This is very sad, evoking the "Desaparecidos" otherwise known as "The Disappeared." There were thousands who disappeared in Argentina, many of them children.
A Bowl
Her name is Josepha. For some reason, I missed the J.
First, the close up. This piece is made up of many, many filaments or strands of glass.
This piece really speaks to me. Not only is the color lovely but I really like the sensuous folds and texture. I really wanted to pat it, but I didn't want to get tossed out on my ear. The edges look as if there is glitter -- of course, it's glass.
I don't know why I don't particularly care for this. Normally, I am enthralled with the sea and corals. Then I read the title and it's "Polyp." That really turned me off!
No, no head on this lady. Look at that fabric!!
Finally, here's a long shot of the exhibit. We got there before there were so many people that they started holding people outside of a rope and wouldn't let more in until some left. That's the reason why it was a really quick look for me. I may have to return.
And onto our brief tour of some favorites.
By Yoshimoto Nara, this dog is my all time favorite. He just makes me happy. I was so happy to see him back. He had been on loan for a while to another museum.
You know what? I'll stop there. I have been at this for over two hours so you will have to wait to see other pictures I took.
There's not much else to report. Mom and I had a fantastic Mexican lunch yesterday which was made even better with a 'skinny' margarita. It was just fresh lime juice and tequila. Yee haw!!
We went to a happy hour last night and I had a great burger in lettuce wrap. There were about 10 people in the group so we got to chatting quite a bit. We were talking about The Dallas Buyers' Club which Mom and I had watched on Netflix. I had never seen the movie and was very moved by it.
Which led to our learning that Rio Azul has an 11 a.m. drag queen show during Sunday brunch. I wonder if their breakfasts are good? I don't think they have a brunch buffet. We might try that tomorrow if we're not too excited about the Super Bowl ... go Pats!!
Wow I love all of the glass displays Tina. Marvelous what they can do with glass. Yes the dog is lovely.