Friday, February 16, 2018

Friday's Walk Slides into More Museum Shots

Happy Presidents' Day weekend! I used to really look forward to this Monday off ... now every day is a holiday. Mom and I just got back from a walk (it's sunny and in the high 70s).

 Cute red flowers.

 These geraniums, alyssum, and bougainvilea are at Sunrise East (across the street from Mom's complex).

 They are a gated community (Mom's is not). The car has already gone through which is why the gate is closing and nobody's around. As Mom says, "Gates are a pain." We saw one car that had to let the gate close completely before it would open again to admit him.

Yes, you have seen this before -- it's a riot of color and in Mom's complex.

We walked up Mesquite (above). You can see the difference in the grass from what the city takes care of and what the homeowners pay for (on the right). I don't know if you can see the brown tree branches on the far left. There is some kind of tree virus that is doing a number on the trees. I hope something will stop it.

And ... I never posted all of the pictures that I took at the Palm Springs Museum. So here they are. Talk amonst yourselves.

 There is a "Modernism" wave going on here.

 Clint Eastwood bronze sculpture by George Montgomery (western actor).

Another favorite of mine (below).

About Monty and Modernism.


 It's a working Panasonic TV!

And ... I made some potholders for a birthday present.

Still working on "Monet's Garden."

Have a great day! Be kind to yourself. I'm going to rustle up some lunch now ...

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