Saturday, June 10, 2017

Two Weekends

Today, Ann and I had an excellent adventure. We drove to the Tower Hill Botanic Garden in Boylston, Mass. It was a glorious sunny day in the 80s and luckily, there was a nice breeze.

I forget the name of this tree, but it's in the olive family

My favorite statue. I couldn't tell if it was a dog or a fox, but he wants the grapes.

I just love allium. Ann said it looked like fireworks.

It's a chicken!

Yes, you read that right. Below is the Wild Rumpus exhibit. I had no idea it was here, but I was thrilled to see it in person. I had seen a video on Patrick's methods and other installations and I was fascinated. 

First View through the trees

I left the guy in so you could get an idea of how large it is. You can walk inside of it. It's all made with local saplings.

And here I am in the new palazzo pants that I made. They are really comfy!!

After wandering around for a couple of hours and sitting on a bench in the shade enjoying the breezes, we picked Emily up at her house and went to dinner. 

My favorite place has become the Sole Proprietor where I had tuna steak stuffed with gorgonzola, and divine grilled asparagus. 


I spent last weekend at Emily's. We had fun going to see Wonder Woman at the movies and on Sunday, we met Debbie for lunch.

Right before lunch on Sunday

Saturday Pansies

Outside of my spaghetti bowl

Inside -- I sure hope it gets darker!

Emily actually got to pick up her bowl today but mine hadn't been glazed yet. Hers is gorgeous! It's a flower with a big yellow center and lots of purple petals. She said she would send me a picture, but she hasn't yet so I can't show it to you.


  1. Wow love your slacks they are great and I know they would be comfortable as I have about six pairs I bought for summer but mine are not that colourful mainly black and white in different patterns. Your pottery looks great too. Very clever. You certainly go to some interesting places.


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