Sunday, June 11, 2017

Is it Me?

So even though it was almost 5 p.m., I was happy to be doing errands because the stores are air conditioned! (It's 84 F. after being in the 40s and 50s for two weeks.) First stop is Home Depot. It's difficult for me to walk back and forth looking for stuff because it's so big, so I usually ask for directions. As I walk in, I spy a young woman who seems to be fascinated and sort of following about 4 men who take no notice of her.

Me: Hello.
She looks at me.
Me: I need a knob.
She: For what?
Me: I need a knob for a pot top.
She: You need a cover for a hot tub?
Me: No, I need a knob for a cover for a pot. (I'm speaking slower.)
She: A cooking pot?
Me: Yes.
She: We don't have those.
Me: How about a knob for a cabinet, do you have those?
She: That would be in aisle 15, but I don't think it will work.
Me: Thanks.

I stopped before aisle 15 and checked out plumbing fixtures but that would entail more design than I had patience for. Nope, nothing there.

I spent at least 3 minutes in aisle 15 checking out various shapes. I dunno, she may be right. This might not work.

Whaddya think?


Last week, at the beginning of the week, I noticed that my favorite trees are in bloom.

That little window that you can see is part of my office. It's actually not a little window, but it looks like it in this picture. 


So maybe it's not me. I just viewed a bunch of funny people at Walmart pictures. But what followed was even better. It was badly decorated cakes.

My favorite has to be the graduation cake. It had a nice picture of a young woman and a diploma scroll. The fun part? An outline of a cat on her head. You know, a "cat and gown" affair ...

FaceBook, what would I do without you?

1 comment:

  1. The knob looks ok to me Tina and the blooms outside your winder look beautiful. Do they have a perfume?


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