Sorry to start out with rotting garbage, but I'm waiting for my Country-ish Biscuits to cool. They are low carb, using almond flour and coconut flour. Of course, I made sausage gravy to go with them. I'll let you know how everything tastes. Again, thank you to Maria for inspiring me to this WOE (way of eating).
Last night, Cyndi and I gave the diner another try. It was her first visit, but I had not been impressed the first two times I visited. It was fabulous! They are now serving prime rib on the weekends! Mine was delicious and prepared well. Like a good girl, I substituted a salad for the potato and it came with "house vegetables" which turned out to be well-prepared summer squash. Cyndi had the homemade veggie burger and she said it was yummy but fell apart (which apparently means there aren't the commercial chemicals that keep them together when you buy them pre-made). Some other patron had ordered the fish and chips and the piece of fish was the size of a house! We decided that next time we will split one of those. (No chips for me, but a salad.)
Well, the best thing about the biscuits and gravy was the gravy. Another low carb baking recipe in the trash! The last failure was scones. I followed the recipe exactly for the scones -- no soap. On these biscuits, I couldn't find tapioca starch so I used Xanthum gum (3/4 tsp. for 1 1/4 C. total flours). It tasted like chemicals. Sigh.
I was just watching Valerie Bertinelli on the cooking channel and she made a martini (which I don't like) with bleu cheese stuffed olives. Now that sounds good. It did not look easy, however, to pipe out the bleu cheese. Maybe hers was extra chunky.
On another show on The Cooking Channel (The Kitchen), one woman acted like she had discovered the cure for cancer with gargantuan amounts of enthusiasm. What she had discovered is that vodka in sweet tea with lemonade ice cubes is yummy. She said, 'And you can't taste the vodka!' Yeah, with about 7 teaspoons of sugar, who could taste anything else? And her co-host pointed out that the vodka took up 33% of the glass.
Speaking of gargantuan amounts of enthusiasm: why is it that people who post recipes on Pinterest think they have discovered something amazing that nobody else knows about? A quick look revealed garlic and parmesan pasta, shrimp and garlic pasta, spinach and shrimp and garlic pasta and at least three different (three!!) recipes using lettuce leaves instead of bread. Oh, my! The invention! The thinking out of the box! Gimme a break. Are these 18 year olds who just graduated from Kraft mac and cheese on a hot plate in a dorm room?
My gardener, Joe, showed up today. Yes, it was a cool 40ish. He's clearing out what debris he can and putting down mulch in the front (south facing). He came in to use the bathroom and we were sitting in the living room chatting when he said, "Oh migosh, you have cedar waxwings eating your berries!" Being ignorant, I thought he meant indoors and I also thought he was hallucinating. But sure enough, there were at least a half dozen in the betchel crab apple tree eating the "apples" which are the size of berries. Here's what the little suckers look like:
Their underbellies are a pale, almost pastel, yellow which looked amazing in the sunlight! They have a very high chirp that sounds like a squeeze toy. So I learned something. (Joe told me there is also a Bohemian waxwing, but I haven't looked them up yet. They are the ones with the coffee and cigarette dangling from their beaks.)
As usual, I am frustrated with the Harmony remote channel changer. It won't let me switch from regular TV to Netflix (the Internet). I'm sure now that I've said that, it will work magically. Also lately, I can't shut off the TV. It takes me four tries to get the screen to go dark. All I need to fix the bugger is for Emily to visit. I'll complain to her, she picks up the remote and it works the first time. It hates me. It likes her.
A joke from Mom:
A couple are at the airport in Phoenix, awaiting their flight.
They are dressed in heavy boots, parka, scarf, mittens, and
all ready to head home to the Canadian winter.
An older American couple standing nearby are intrigued by
their manner of dress, so the wife says to her husband,
"Look at that couple. I wonder where they're from?”
He replies, "How would I know?”
She counters, "You could go and ask them.”
He says, "I don't really care. You want to know, you go ask them.”
She decides to do just that, walks over to the couple and says,
"Excuse me, I’ve noticed the way you're dressed and I wonder
where you're from.”
The man, who happens to be a Canadian farmer, replies,
"Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.”
The woman returns to her husband.
“So, where are they from?" he asks.
She replies, "I don't know. They don't speak English."
Ha ha ha I love the joke.