O.k., so I know we are spoiled. Last year we had snow up the wazoo! This year, we are on our third storm as of today. And the last two were last week and two days ago. Whoever heard of not getting snow until February in Massachusetts?! I especially enjoy clearing off my car after work -- not!
On to happier things. Dinner last night:
Yes, your eyes do not deceive you -- those are radishes. They are radishes sauteed with bacon and onion. Yum! They might as well be home fries. However, the radishes have 0.2 carbohydrates vs. 18 to 20 carbohydrates for a white potato. I'll take it! The rest is chicken coated in pork rind crumbs (they call it "dust").
I'm working on my second cup of coffee after an omelette with ham and cheese. I found a package of two ham steaks lasts me a really long time (one ham steak is way too big for a serving, so I cut it up).
Next I might try daikon -- an Asian radish. As we know, everything is great with bacon! Did you know that a lot of bacon has added sugar? I didn't, but now I look closely at the packaging to be sure there is no sugar in the curing.
Thanks, Mom, you were right: I bought some slacks in a smaller size than I thought -- and they fit. Woo hoo! Lisa is amazed at the packages I get in the mail. She says it's like Christmas every day. I bought some blouses too -- two sizes smaller than what I had been wearing a couple of months ago. Like a good girl, I put the too big blouses in a bag to go to charity. One item in, one item out is my new closet control theory. Of course, I still have too many perfectly good clothes, but some are just too worn or tacky for work. Today I plan to brighten up the office wearing my almost-tomato red (new) blouse and slacks. It's a grey day and we will need some color in the office.
I prefer to remember the good times. Like the time the girls and I were waiting for Daddy to get out of work. We were outside of the WFCR studio in the parking lot. When he exited the building, the girls opened fire with water pistols. It was hot and he didn't mind.
Or the time we were in an elevator in Canada with Baby Debbie (sorry, Em, you weren't on the horizon yet) and an older couple got on. I don't speak French, but it was obvious to me that they were saying, 'What a beautiful bebe!' I think it was the curly hair ...
And there was the time that Sheldon came home from work and he told us how he couldn't figure out why none of the equipment (it was reel to reel audio tape in those days) in his studio worked. Then he realized that every button or switch that was at toddler Emily height had been pushed or toggled. She had reset all of the studio equipment.
I often wonder what the girls remember of their childhood. Do they remember the Un-Birthday Party I hosted in the back yard? Aunt Lorraine and Grandma and Grandpa and their aunts and everybody came. It didn't seem fair to me that December and March babies couldn't have an outside party so I threw one. That was the first time that I carved my famous watermelon basket and filled it with fruit salad. Good times! (I think the girls were around six and eight years old.)
Good grief! Time to go to work. Ciao!
Wonderful memories!!!! Very sweet!!!!