Saturday, December 5, 2015


O.k., I admit it: when you live alone, you can become squirrelly.  Here I am congratulating myself because I cleaned and organized the top of my fridge -- not something most people can claim as a victory -- but I went on to vacuuming from there. (Can you tell I have dinner guests coming?)

And while vacuuming,  I remembered that in the summer I have been known to vacuum au naturel so that I can then just hop in the shower.  No, no, not that today. However, it was then that I discovered that I need suspenders for my pajamas.  Yes, I'm thrilled to have lost 30 pounds -- but I can't keep my pants up!! I'm going to have to find a way to 'tailor' them because many of my winter jammies are relatively new. And I will get unstuck and lose more weight (by hook or by crook). So it's going to be a while before I buy new jammies.


From the This Shouldn't Be So Hard Department.

Woman:  Amherst Room?
Me: Yes, what about it?
Woman: I requested it.
Me: For today?
Woman: Yes.
Me: (After realizing I have seen her face before) I'm assuming you want the key for the Amherst Room ...
Woman: Your assumption is correct.

(No, I did not make the room reservation for her, someone else did.)

I hope you all get a chance to vote for the Jones Library windows (part of the BID competition) which surround the front door. The little owls (who are very cute) are on a journey.


Another Conversation I Don't Understand
(While setting up snacks for Trivia Night)

Woman: What's your name?
Me: Tina.
Woman: What's your last name?
Me: (in a joking way) Why, are you going to stalk me?
Woman: That is so New Jersey.
Me: I have lived in Massachusetts all of my life but for six months.
Woman: Well, it's the accent then. Maybe your parents are from NJ.
Me: silence
Woman: I can't be the first one to have said that to you.
Me: Actually, yes.

[I had remembered her from the first Trivia Night and she has "issues," so I had no wish to engage her or become her "friend." There is another woman who fixates on any staff person and passes herself off as your friend and she does a lot of harm to people's reputations.  Luckily, most people in Town know about the other woman. But I had no wish to add another "friend" and they have stopped listening to the other woman.]


Okaaaay ... so we were supposed to see Brooklyn at the Amherst Cinema. They were sold out! Luckily, I had already made the meatless, crustless quiche so we all trooped to my house for dinner. We also had green beans and tsimmies (spelling?). I should have known it would be too sweet for me, but it was a lovely melange of carrots and prunes and other stuff.  It made the plate colorful.

And to add insult to injury, the mug cakes, well ... let's just say, I kinda sorta used way too little artificial sweetener.  Phyllis, however, saved the day by bringing black raspberry ice cream which sweetened the chocolate mug cake. I really think the chocolate sauce which I made was the culprit. Everyone ate it anyway.  

I'm heading for the couch in my clean living room. The dishes are done. And the table cloth is ready to be washed. That's for tomorrow.  Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. Losing your pants eh? 😊 You hussy you. I had to laugh it sounded sofunny. Congratulations on losing the weight


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