I cannot take credit for any of these wonderful crafts. And they all sold!
The blue pillow on the bottom had sparkles too!
Gaye did all of the painting on glass, these are Ann's famous church babies (and cats).
One of Ann's turtles. One year she made bigger ones that you could use as a pillow and they sold like hot cakes. This little buy sold quickly.
These are my favorite little sheepies! They sold as a family, and they also sold very quickly.
I love grapes! I didn't buy a vase because where would I put it?
Ann's gorgeous hats and scarves. They were sooo soft!
After the Fair, I motored off to Emily's house in Worcester. If you need nail wraps or nail polish, she's selling it. We had a great supper with Deb, Emily, and Emily's friend, Wendy, at Wicked Wings in Worcester. They were wicked good.
After supper Em and I watched Netflix and I got to bond with the cats. Mirable dictu! Lola sat in my lap (usually she hides). Jackson was on my lap too. You guessed it: two cats on the lap equals my falling asleep.
Today, Sunday, I drove from Worcester to church and then on to Maple Farms to have a quick lunch. I got mushrooms and onions and loaded the crockpot with beef stew.
Then it was off to the Library for 1 p.m. so I could help Cyndi set up her hors d' ouevres for the unveiling.
Above are just a few of the munchies!
There was drama!
Below is Bill Myers, rock star of the frame conservation world.

Joe Matteius, Conservator

Above, Banks of the Marne and Little Red Riding Hood (no hood, but red jacket) is below.
Below is Cyndi pleased as punch.
Some previously restored work
Some of the tools of the frame restorer's trade.
On the whole, it was a fabulous program! I learned a lot of things that I didn't know about conservation and the newly cleaned and restored art and frames are just stunning. You can really see the difference in the "before" and "after."
Great post!