Saturday, December 19, 2015

Hoop It Up, Oh Baby!

So I never thought I'd say this, but I went hooping today. As in hula hoops.

I went to Hoop Joy Amherst Fitness which is Stephanie O'Keeffe's new business. I have known her for years, mainly through her tireless work as a Select Board member and Chair. (She runs a great meeting.)

Luckily, I was the drop in of the hour so nobody else could see how inept I am. (I thought of running out to Lisa or Tomi, the Fitness Queens, and asking for a cup of ept, but I didn't do that.) Stephanie told me that the bigger the hoop, the easier it is. So she got me started with a hoop the size of Fitchburg.

Look at how easy it is:

Stepanie is a great teacher! She began by telling me that it's really a pushing forward and back motion with your pelvis (not side to side as most people think).  I allowed as how I live alone and I was not used to that ... but I did give it a shot.

I quickly realized that the most exercise I got was picking up the hoop after I had dropped it. I did manage to get a couple of good turns in, including using a side to side motion. I had to stop fairly quickly because I was really feeling it my back -- the colder weather had made the arthritis kick in.

But I learned there's a lot more you can do with hoops that tones and strengthens your muscles. For instance, you can pass the hoop around your body with your hands making half circles or you can hold the hoop above your head, working on your upper arms.

She has classes, drop in sessions are only $6 and she's open to private parties with a BYOB component. Since I'm the designated driver, I'm thinking of planning a girls' night out there and I'll bring LOTS of wine.  

AND ... we now have Hoop Joy passes for winners at the Jones Library Trivia in January.  Yay!! 

You thought I was fibbing, didn't you? Although some of you may notice that it's not an action shot in my case. Inch by inch ...


  1. This could be a good way to lose weight I should try it.

  2. Tina, this is so funny and also so inspiring! I rarely read anything other people have to say about exercise, but this blog got my undivided attention! I can actually almost imagine myself hooping, though I think dropping and picking up the hoop wouldd be most of my exercise too. Love this!


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