Saturday, October 17, 2015

Frustration Reigns

We went to the College of the Desert this morning to go to their Street Fair. Well, it's not on the street -- it's on the grounds of the college. I guess you could call it a fair, but it really is is acres and acres of vendors. Although since November 1 heralds "the season" here, many of the vendors were missing.  We had a nice stroll though until it became unbearably hot (for me, mainly). I did manage to get some wonderfully plump California raisins and a magnifying glass for my purse.

Yes, even with reading glasses, I have difficulty reading some food labels. This should take care of it.  The guy also had magnifiers that snap onto a pill bottle, should any of you out there need that. I did not know such a thing existed.

After the COD, we went to Costco to get a chicken. And since Mom had a question for the Verizon guy, I thought I would ask if I could upgrade my phone. Yes, it was time and I could get a new phone. I'll cut to the frustration part: it took over an hour with two trips back to the register (the second one because the cashier had input it incorrectly).

A giggle: Alex who was in his second day at the job thought Massachusetts is in the midwest.

Anyway ... I'm waiting for David to type up all of the paperwork and whatever he's doing and by this time I'm leaning on his counter. Meanwhile Mom had gone to powder her nose, so she had left the shopping cart with me.

Eventually, I hear, 'Hello! I need to get by!' and it dawned on me that this man was talking to me. (My ears have been blocked off and on for a couple of days now.) I turn around and move the basket out of his way.

And in a very smarmy, sarcastic way, he says loudly, "I'm sorry it was such an imposition for you to move as I can see from the look on your face."  Amazed, I turned back to David the Verizon guy.

And as the other guy is out of sight, I made the appropriate response of, "Fuck you," making David giggle.  The other guy comes wheeling back saying, "What did you say to me?!?!"

When I told him I hadn't spoken to him, he said, "I think I heard the f word come out of your mouth and that's not what a lady says." I told him I'm not a lady and he called me rude (after he had made fun of my face in the first place) and he swished away haughtily.  

Which precipitated another 'fuck you' from me. At that point, David said he was outrageous and the whole thing had been unnecessary. I went back to being frustrated, particularly when David transferred my phone numbers and it brought in the email of everybody on facebook and the Netherlands. Not good.

Now that I have had some time to think about it, I really wish that asshat had come back again, because I have thought up some great responses:

1. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuckety fuck fuck.

2. (Screamed) !Ayudame! Esto hombre ...! [Help me! This man ... !]

3. Would you wait here for a moment, Sir? My mother is just 
returning and I'd like her to hear what you said to me. She thinks I'm polite.

4. Would it be now that I inform you that I am licensed to carry a concealed weapon? (Yes, my purse is plenty big enough.)

5. Sneeze and cough spewing a lot of spit in his direction.


I have printed my boarding pass and then I'll do a laundry. I won't be back in Amherst until Monday, going to work first. Let's see if I can make it until 3 p.m. before I do a !sploosh!, otherwise known as a face plant on my desk. The time change does not really agree with me.

Cheers to all and to all a good night!


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