Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Emily and Tina's Excellent Adventure

Since Emily isn't here yet, I'll have a chat with you.

Last night, Cyndi, Cathy, Phyllis and I went to see "To Catch a Theif" with Cary Grant and Grace Kelly.  It was made in 1955 (yeah, I know, Sharon: you weren't born yet) and what a difference in movies!

Apparently, we have been so bombarded with sex and sexual references that when the "passionate" kiss came and the camera moved to ever more exploding firecrackers, it was corny and laughable.  And ... Cary Grant was 51 years old, looking older in my opinion -- for some reason, he had a very dark tan -- and Grace was only 24 years old.  So while it was probably shocking in those days to see a young girl acting so forward(ly) toward a man by impulsively kissing him, it was really hard for me to see why she would "love" him in a matter of minutes.

It's also hard for me to figure out why I used to have a crush on Cary Grant.  I guess it was before I and my mind was liberated. The only redeeming value I could see in the character of Robie (The Cat Burgler), was that he had a nice villa on the Riviera and apparently some money from his former thievery.

All that criticism aside, it was a lovely evening preceded by pizza which Cathy thoughtfully picked up for Cyndi and me because we worked later than she.

Thank you, Jones Library (and Janet Ryan) for the summer movie!!

So it's Wednesday and I'm all packed. My hosts may fear that I'm moving in for decades.  Not really. I just like choices in what I wear and in what shoes I wear.  :)

We will drive to Silver Spring, MD tonight and stay at a hotel.  (Yes, I figured out which one I had reserved!)  Then tomorrow, we motor to Cape Charles, Virginia.  Yay!

I am so distressed to hear that the 8th black church has burned in a span of two weeks. They still don't know if it was lightning, but this is a very horrible pattern.  What is wrong with people, meaning arsonists?  First of all, if it is an arsonist, it's pretty cowardly to slink off in the night after doing this damage.  I'm so happy that nobody was hurt or killed, but it's still disgraceful. Secondly, nobody should be in fear for their life because of the color of their skin. Or because of their sexual orientation.  Who are these murders and thugs? I think we need a big influx of Canadians to set us straight.

And on the opposite side of the coin, Misti Copeland is now the first black prima ballerina for the American Ballet Company.  It really has been too long.  Excellence should be rewarded. Maria Tallchief would be proud.


I am going to leave you now, waiting patiently for Emily.  It has been a torrential downpour with thunder and lightning, but it has let up now.  Hopefully, we will be driving away from the storms.  It's already 75 F., which is big change from the 55 F. at the same hour a couple of days ago.  I may melt in Virginia!

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