Saturday, June 27, 2015

Saturday Mini Adventures

I can't believe it -- I slept until 10:15 a.m.! Obviously, I was tired.  But I was only a little late to see the Victorian Dancers on the grounds of the Strong House (Amherst Historical Society). 

If you go there to visit the house, don't do what I did.  I brushed up against the lamp post and noticed something was buzzing me while I was getting my camera out.  A helpful woman told me to move because there was a wasp's nest in the lamp and they were really swarming around.  You betcha!

Here's Larry, who writes Only in the Republic of Amherst blog.  He gets lots of good shots with his drone too, but this was not drone appropriate.

That field stone is the side of the Jones Library.

After watching the dancing for a while, Lisa and I went to the Farmers' Market. I bought some tomato starter plants and some lettuce to eat. Then I bought some spring rolls for lunch.

After she worked, Cyndi bought some haddock and I gave a little cooking lesson. I had suggested shrimp for an appetizer, but she got mussels -- another favorite of mine!

First you cut the haddock, then bread it with panko crumbs. Put it in the oven to bake with a little lemon and butter..

 Meanwhile cook the asparagus in the microwave.

Make a nice plate.

And !voila! yummy food.

And a happy Cyndi who thought she couldn't cook but who has just made a whole dinner from appetizers to finish.  (She didn't make the chocolate gelato, but she did well to choose it!)


I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. We're going to look at open houses because Cyndi is thinking of buying a house.  Fun, fun, fun!

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