The Friday before, after work, I wandered around the supermarket trying to think of heavy food items that Mom would have difficulty carrying on foot. I must have looked really perplexed because a supermarket employee asked if he could help me find something.
So what are necessities? Well, crackers and cheese of course -- to go with a glass of wine. I got watermelon and cantaloupe (and divested them of their rinds so that Mom wouldn't have smelly trash). There was other stuff including salad makings and some peanut butter.
We had a lovely lunch with Mom and then headed to the New England Aquarium. It was very hot so I drove and we parked there. The line was HUGE -- probably about a 50 minute wait to get tickets. Luckily, some young Aquarium employee spotted Mom while she was keeping our spot in line Cyndi and I were looking at the outdoor seals.
And the nice man ushered us to the front of the line. He even offered Mom a wheelchair and it's a good thing she didn't take one because it was so crowded, we would have had to use it as a battering ram! The pictures are not good, but they give you an idea of what we saw.
This guy loved to swim upside down. He was too fast for me to get his whole body.
These are the first penguins you see as you enter the building. The crafty little so and so's would get their fish, hop into the water and get back in line on the rock. The guy with the clip board is checking off who got a fish. (They all had different colored ear bands.)
Needless to say, this is the "habah" outside of the Aquarium.
These are different penguins. I seem to remember at least three different types in different areas.
The darn fish kept moving ...
Yup, more penguins. They were all very cute.
Not sure I'd care to eat him. I wonder if that's what he was thinking.
I thought these two were quite handsome.
This is Myrtle the Turtle. Her favorite treat is romaine lettuce. She can grow to be over 500 pounds.
We were admiring the roof garden and the window boxes.
We also tried to guess how many millions of dollars these condos cost.
After getting thoroughly hot and tired bucking huge crowds, we walked next door and had yummy seafood at Legal Seafoods. It was wicked busy but we got to sit at their oyster bar and watch the wait staff scurry around carrying enormous weights of plates filled with food.
Then it was back to Mom's cute apartment where we met up with Deb and Paul. After some nice chit chat, it was back to Amherst where you don't have to pay $39 for one day's parking!
It's also a lot quieter here. For that I am thankful.
Last Friday, Cyndi and I went to Worcester and had supper with Emily. Cyndi got to meet not only Emily, but her three cats as well. Yesterday Emily told me she is fostering a pregnant cat. I wonder how many kittens will arrive.
I can't even begin to remember what night we made the pasta primavera (above). The goat cheese was Cyndi's idea and it was really yummy! Thank you, Phyllis for the zucchini! And I was able to add marinated red peppers because Cyndi got the jar open for me. I'm pretty sure I loosened it because I had already run it under hot water and cold water, banged it on the counter, used a rubber thingy to try to turn it, and I swore a lot. The swearing usually does it. I must be out of practice.
Speaking of which: we have an owl shaped (of course) swear jar in the office. Being particularly parsimonious, I have drastically reduced my potty mouth. Although Lisa was amused the day that I preemptively added 4 quarters before venting. (It's a quarter a swear although we still have to formalize the policy. Should mf'er be two quarters?)
After my swim tonight, I got into the hot tub. As I was getting out, I swung my legs over the side and twisted my butt. Looking down, I saw this giant red spot on my leg. In the locker room, I looked at it and it seemed to be a bug bite -- but the red area was/is about four inches around. Ugh. Then I pick up my tee shirt -- and there's a tick on it!! It was a dog tick, but its belly was not full. So I'm mystified as to the thing on my leg. I put alcohol on it and then bacitracin. Come to think of it, I should put alcohol IN me. It hurts like a sumbitch. If it's not better by tomorrow, they won't let me swim. I don't really want to do a treadmill ... sigh.
It's bed time for Bonzo. Ta ta!
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