Thursday on the road. We go to Silver Spring, MD and have a nice Thai dinner with David and Jane who are hosting us in Cape Charles. We stay at a nice in town hotel and leave Friday morning (in the rain).
Cape Charles is 4 hours south of Washington, DC. I loved rubbernecking as Emily drove. The bridge below is one of my favorites in Virginia.
Is this beach nice or what? They dredged sand out of one side of the pier and put it onto the beach so that it is now twice the size of the beach of two years ago. It was warm, but breezy.
Emily willing a fish onto her line. (It didn't work.)
Jane nicely cornered the crab that I caught using her sandal. Actually, I didn't catch him -- he just hung onto the fishing line See, Cyndi, their legs really are blue! We let him scuttle off the pier to eat someone else's bait.
David bought the 3/4 bushel of crabs that you see above for $90. Can you imagine? Apparently, the catch has not been great, so the price is up. (Of course, the Fourth of July weekend might have also upped the price.)
This is the first batch of crabs that David boiled (with Old Bay seasoning, of course). There was one more coming.
Mom asked if we had eaten all of those crabs and we did, except for about a half dozen. They are a lot of work and we sometimes resorted to using the hammers (see: mallet on the right) resulting in all of us being covered in crab bits and juice from head to toe.
Sitting on their front porch at night is great. They are on a little divided parkway type of street. The divider is grass and trees and it's one way on one side. So everybody drives slowly and lots of people walk by.
I had brought whirligigs that have LED lights. Some white, some red, some blue. You used an elastic to launch it and then it would helicopter down with the lights sparkling in the night. We all had a ridiculous amount of fun with no booze, no noise (except laughter), and no injuries. Ooops, I stand corrected. Alex hurt his thumb with a snap of the rubber band.
So here we are on our Girls Only Shopping Trip while Kylie, Alex, and David were out on the boat. We accosted some other ladies and asked them to take our picture. In chatting, we found out that they were from Bristol, Connecticut -- where Maria is from! It's truly a small world.
Tina, Emily, Emma, Jane, and Maria in front of the mermaid
During that fishing trip, Kylie caught a croaker which she ate as a fish taco for supper. Alex made venison tacos for the rest of us. (The venison was in the freezer and it was from the deer Alex had shot during the last hunting season.) The tacos were great especially followed by Jane's rhubarb dump cake.
You will have to excuse my lousy fireworks pictures. But I was so happy because Joy drove us to the beach in her highly decorated golf cart. We got to watch the fireworks in seated comfort.
The fireworks were spectacular and not too loud. Angus the (old) dog watched for a while as if he were watching TV. Then he began to people watch. Audrey the year old black lab pup was not amused with the fireworks, so David had to carry her like a 4 foot long baby. Just as I thought we had seen the grand finale, the fireworks started up again. I think maybe they had missed a box and figured they had better use them up.
Today, Sunday, David and Alex left early and went fishing. They caught blue fish and whiting (called round heads locally). David fried up the mess of fish after Maria dusted them with corn meal fish fry. Yum oh yum!
My plate from the left: cooked kale with garlic and mushrooms, cucumber salad, butter beans with mini potatoes and sweet sausage, store bought potato salad. Of course, the fish is the star in the middle.
I went too far back on my pictures, but I thought we could all admire the pitcher plant again!
Alex and Emma have headed home (Sunday), taking their pup, Titus, with them. Titus is in love with Audrey and when the two play-fight, he lets her win. He throws himself down letting her 'chomp' him on the throat. They are both purebred black labs and gorgeous, but they are too rambunctious for me!
Em's napping and the rest have walked down to the beach. Me too now. Ciao.
Great stories & pics!