Thursday, January 24, 2019

So Much to Tell You

As usual, I'm a little late with things due to my having to use Mom's computer to post my pictures. Somehow I have to be able to do it from my Chromebook!! I can get the pictures there (in Google photos), but I can't save them anywhere. Sigh.


Here's my picture of the Red Wolf Moon. It was fun watching it with Mom and LeeAnne.


We had five days of rain which is quite unusual in the desert, followed by two REALLY windy days. I would like to say all of these cuttings are from the wind, but this is the normal twice weekly cuttings. The wind did blow down A LOT of hard brown palm tree bark but I didn't think to get a picture for you. I stacked some up outside because the pieced were really messy strewn about the lawn. And one piece looked like a dog on its back and it was weird. One piece I picked up looked like a breast plate for someone skinnier than I.

The fruit has fallen off the trees.


Yesterday, Mom and I went to the "cheap movies."  (The ticket is only $5, but if you get a diet Coke, that's $4, lol.) She saw Vice and I saw Aquaman. She said she came out of the movie know that Dick Cheney was a "not nice" man. I came out of my movie liking it a lot. The CGI was amazing and there were some well known actors and a bit of humor.

As we drove out of the parking lot, Mom asked if I wanted to see Cardenas, a Mexican supermarket. I said, "Sure!" and we set off on our merry way.

Since I was driving, and I noticed it, I asked Mom if I could go into the marijuana shop. Curiosity, you know. Screech! I zoomed into their parking lot.

There is a little office with chairs and a receptionist. I asked if I could take pictures for my friends in Massachusetts where we have voted in the shops but none have opened yet. Ooops, I just realized one has opened in Central Mass. Oh, well. The receptionist said, "Just like Michigan."

After showing my ID, (I figured this was not a good time to use my government issued gun license) she buzzed me into the retail space. BTW, on TV they were saying that a lot of customers are over 50 years old and looking for pain relief with marijuana.

This is one of two large cases with sales people behind. No, I don't know what this stuff is!

These are packages of cookies (edibles) for $32/pack. Only the two with the green top will ease pain and not get you high. Too bad: no chocolate, only vanilla. The other cookies will get you high. You can see some of their wearables on the right. I didn't see if they were made from hemp. Mom was waiting in the car and I didn't want to take too long. No, I didn't buy anything.


So then we went around the corner to Cardenas.

 Always the Best!

There were lots of beans. I'm not sure if the big bags in the back are beans, but I did see bags that big (50 pounds?) of rice and corn. People like to buy in bulk here! The trays of chicken legs, for instance were huge -- 20 or so to a pack.

Mom was impressed with the neatly stacked produce, but I had seen this at Whole Foods.

This is one of two artificial trees in the fruit area. It made it seem, like we were in an open air market. I really liked it. The store was really really busy at about 3:30 p.m. The kid on the left kept making his little brother giggle which I thought was kind of nice. Usually, kids are fighting.

I had never seen these before. This was a huge jar -- not something I wanted to try. They also had a huge bar with crema and cheese and soupy stuff that a lady would measure out for you. I felt very ignorant because I had never seen much of the stuff.

In another area, they were grilling chickens. The chef chopped a whole chicken in half with one blow of a hatchet and he grilled a half chicken at a time. He and the ladies packing newly fried nacho chips were behind glass so you could watch. In front of them were huge bags of masa (dough made from corn to be used in tortillas). Of course, there were many many displays of bagged tortillas and corn husks.

I bought a chayote which someone said was low carb and they used it for mock apple pie. Well, they must have used a ton of apple pie spice and sugar because it tastes like -- nothing. Actually, it reminded me of a raw potato.

We didn't go down the rows here, but at the Food for Less near the gym, they sell a lot of cane sugar. An the packages look like the cones of thread used on a long arm quilting machine. I asked the cashier what it's used for and I picked the one Anglo who had no idea. They must have to grate the sugar because the cone is hard and packed in clear plastic.

This week I'm taking it easy because last week, we were out four times in five days. That's a lot of wine!


In the finally finished department: Palm Springs Sunset

Yes, the grass really is that green. The piece is on a plastic bag and that's what is peeking out on the left.

I hope you are having a wonderful time wherever you are. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for another interesting blog Tina. I was also interested in the marijuana shop. Should have them everywhere I say. As for the market some of the stuff there I've never heard of so I'm ignorant too LOL.


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