They obviously knew each other and they happily chatted while we ordered drinks and supper. They had just finished supper as we arrived so there was plenty of space for drinks on the table after clearing.
As we began chatting, we learned that four of them had hiked 140 miles in northern California ("That's 142 miles actually," corrected Mary.) I blanched and said the incredibly erudite phrase of, "Wow."
"Well, it was over a few days -- we did about 10 miles per day," Mel explained. (None of these names is real, btw.) "We had a great time."
Noting that the other couple appeared to be in their 80s, I wished such robust trips on myself. I turned back to Mary who was saying that she feels great as a vegan and Doris (the 80 year old) said, "Yes, me too. I have lost all taste for meat. Just don't want to eat it."
You guessed it, that's when my medium rare hamburger was delivered. I had ordered it without the bun so, mercifully, it was wrapped in lettuce in a cute paper holder. I took the burger out of the paper and covered it carefully with the butter lettuce hoping nobody had noticed.
At that point, Lisa, their other friend, was instructing them to get dried sour cherries at the store because she was going to make them a curry. This curry would have chick peas, cherries, curry spices and kale. Many of you may know my views on kale. I really only like it surrounded with Portuguese sausage in soup.
Luckily, they left soon after and I could eat without feeling like ... guilty. And I was very glad that I didn't have to taste that curry.
The first time it happened, I was in college. It was Harlan Ellison. It was all his fault. I had read, "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream," and I fell into lust over him. Yes, his writing is that good. But mainly, his incredible intelligence grabbed me and turned me on.
And that's why when a guy emailed me, "Smart is sexy," I knew exactly what he meant.
I had dashed off the above thinking that it would give those of you who have had a snow day something to read, but ... we had to get out of the house so the cleaning lady could do her thing. (We had already spent a couple of hours getting ready for her arrival.)
So we trooped off to the Social Security office in Palm Springs. They keep sending me conflicting email. Each one says a smaller benefit than the last. So far, I will owe them money every month.
We were happy to get a parking spot near the door. We got to the door and found it locked. They close at 12 Noon on Wednesday. It was 1 p.m. Then we noticed we were the only car in the lot.
Even the decorative plants are huge in California
After that it was off to another errand. Let me put it this way: I should have stuck with the computer rather than asking for help in person.
Our frustrating errand (where I ended up on the phone learning how to get to their web site) was on the second floor in Palm Desert. This is a shot of their landscaping at the Garden Plaza.
Big Quilt-like Planting
Big Art Too
By then we realized that we should really stop in and see Mom's friend, Hector, who happens to be a great chef with a new restaurant. I was glad we did because the sole piccata was fabulous. They gave Mom so much wiener schnitzel that she'll probably get two more meals out of the leftovers.
Then it was on to two (count 'em) Revivals. People donate furnture, clothing, household goods, etc. and the proceeds go to a local AIDS charity.
I was looking for a small table for Mom's sewing machine. I just don't want to take over her bedroom and that's where she usually puts it. Her desk has a pull out table that is great for the sewing machine.
Much of the furniture was gorgeous, but the little tables were often over $100 which was too steep for something I would have to give back. Finally, I found the perfect little metal and fake wood table for $40.95. I figured I'd splurge and lugged it to the counter. *

There was a woman in front of me who was taking forever to check out and they had to call in another cashier. He looked at the tag and said, "We have one of these in a box in the back." Believe me, Mom does not want any boxes! So I said, "No, I don't want the box. I'll take this one, thanks."
He said, "Well, there's an assembly fee for this one. It's assembled." No shit. I know it's assembled, I'm trying to buy it.
"How much is the assembly fee?"
"No,thanks, I don't want either."
Can you believe it? I get to the car and Mom says, "How much assembly could it be?" And I'm thinking that it didn't look that great but I thought that was because it was used. Noooo ... it's because it doesn't assemble well. Sheesh.
* This is the actual table from the Wayfair site and they are selling it for $62. I wonder if that's assembled ...
Stay warm.
Vegans annoy me.Glad I wasn't there LOL. As for the assembly, they can stick that where the sun don't shine. LOL
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Great photos!!!!!!!!!!