See those spots? That's a murder of crows flying to those palm trees.
Below is the view from the living room. These three pictures were taken in one ten minute span around 6:15 a.m. No color retouching.
And back to the first view which is out the front door.
Why do you always see the same view, you ask? Well, I was in my pajamas ... so I open the doors, step out, snap my phone, and duck back inside.
Yesterday (Sunday) Emily, Elaine (our Canadian friend), and I went to the College of the Desert for the street fair. It was a lovely day and it didn't get too hot until about 1 p.m. when we were leaving. Since I have been many times, there are only a couple of pictures.
It's a favorite of mine, but apparently, aqua is now color.

Below, each fabric barn came with five different animals!
I found this glass to be very interesting.
Below are microwave cozies -- so you don't burn your fingers when you take a hot bowl out of the microwave. They consist of four fabric squares with a pleat in the middle of each, making it look like triangles.
I really think I may need one of these purple beaded thingies.
A Neighbor's Roses
So I tried to sign up at the gym today. I say 'tried' because I gave up. The $9.99/mo. is not for me. I need to have a LOCAL ID (as in a license) and I can't be on a family plan, blah, blah, blah, I could pay $169.00 registration fee, blah, blah, blah, or $19.99/month. Actually, I can do $20/month but by then I was so angry that I just left and read a newspaper while Mom did her thing. Apparently, after I left, the price went down to $15.99 so I have to decide when I'll go back. I have to wait long enough to make sure I don't bite anybody in the knee.
I liked the series called "Godless" on Netflix. It's a rip roaring old fashioned western. Life is tough and everyone smells bad. I wasn't too thrilled with the violence but on the whole I liked it. Dockery from Downton Abbey (Lady Mary) was in it along with Sam Waterman. There were a couple of other actors that I like too but I never remember their names. There were lots of horses in it and I like watching them too.
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