Sunday, April 2, 2017

Hands All Around Quilt Show

This is the 16th quilt show which is hung every two years. It's a long wait! It was held at UMass again. The cement floors are very hard on your feet and bones -- we walked around for almost 3 hours. But we got very good views because many people did not want to brave the slush and snow. It was raining by the time we got there after 1 p.m. and most of the snow had melted.

For Sharon

The chickens above were part of a round robin. A bunch of people get a pattern and instructions. In this case, they were told to make the chicken 'look like you,' and sign the block. When they next met, they brought their completed blocks and someone put them together. This was given to one of the women as a "Birthday Chicken Quilt."

 This one is called Crayon Box and I love the colors offset by the black!

This is by Elizabeth Sylvan (aka Betzi) and she is the one who taught me how to do a landscape quilt (Palm Springs Night). She has applied many metal objects here including a zipper, gears and gromets.

I really like the metallic threads used here.

 Yellow just makes me happy!


You know how I was complaining about the snow and slush on April 1? Mom sent me this picture of the desert in bloom.


  1. There certainly are some beautiful quilts and a lot of hard work has gone into them.

  2. Georgeous!!!!! Wow!!!!!!

    (Love the owl!)


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