You know how they say, "Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today,"? Whoever "they" are, they are right. Hence I found myself at 6:30 a.m. dragging my trash out to the curb. I should have put it out last night.
The icing on the cake was the four inches of new snow with more falling softly onto my jacket hood. Mercifully, we have a delayed work start and it was the Director's robo call telling me of this that woke me. Dazed and confused in my semi-awake state, I thought it was my alarm and I couldn't figure out what was going on. Got it now!
It was supposed to be so easy: cream of mushroom soup. I googled a recipe and it was elegant in its simplicity. Saute mushrooms and onions, add chicken stock, and finish off with some cream. Well ... I didn't have any chicken stock. But since it was the day before trash day (cooking yesterday), I remembered the last of the rotissiere chicken that had a carcass and a plastic container that needed to go out. And then I remembered that I had bought celery ... so I made "official" chicken stock with the rest of the chicken and the carcass.
I know it doesn't look like it, but it was delicious! I added the light cream in the bowl so the leftovers will be like fresh.
I guess I can figure out why, but it doesn't make sense to me that full stalks of celery are so much cheaper than celery "hearts." You pay less to get more ...
What else did I do yesterday (besides cooking a zillion meals for the week)? I had a lovely time going to Cyndi's cello recital. There were actually four cellos (celli?) in her group, but I didn't know how others would feel about being on my blog. So you only get our star, Cyndi.
The hat was for a stylized arrangement of Jingle Bells. Everyone had a different hat. I really liked the one that was a single pointsettia with sparkles. We need more sparkles, not just now but all of the time, don't you think?
I just love the shooting stars on the lamp post! Palm Springs knows how to do festive!
Things that you thought would be fun when you were a kid. But they are not when you're an adult:
* Pumping gas. I remember sitting in the back seat of my Mom's car thinking, 'That looks like fun. Maybe I'll work at a gas station when I grow up.' Nope, it's not fun. I have a lot more respect for those who do pump gas for a living.
* Using a squeegee on glass. Again, at the gas station, watching them clean the car windshield. Well, using a squeegee on a glass shower door (to prevent streaks of minerals) just makes my ass freeze. And if anything will diminish the warm cozy cleanliness of a shower, that will!
* Rolling coins. It was kinda fun to roll coins and see how much you ended up with. It can be fun now -- if you make the time. You don't have to roll them, but if you go to one of those coin counters in the bank, it is way fun to dump a bunch in and let it count the coins for you! However, actually rolling coins is no fun.
* Snow. Well, o.k., it can be fun if you ski or snow board. But I'm a long way from that. I did notice this morning (taking the trash out, remember?) that it's perfect for snow balls. But not wishing to incur litigation, I did not wake up my next door neighbor and throw a snow ball at him.
The snow plow came! Woot, woot!
This guy actually spreads salt!!! Yay!!! And they shoveled the walks! I think I'm in love with my snow plow guy. (He's also my lawn mowing guy.) He's young.
So now that I know somebody will take care of the snow, I'm fine with it. We need it -- don't want another drought next summer. Last summer was not fun.
By the way, I learned at church yesterday that the pink candle that was lit on the Advent wreath is for JOY. (Peace and Hope have already been lit.) I hope you all can find time to have some joy in your hearts, even if it's only for a little bit. Don't mourn losses but remember the joy for having had the love. Cheers.
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