Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Last Weekend

It's true that I painted this tote bag last Wednesday, but I was too lazy to post it here. This is a copy of a Charles Sheeler called Three White Tulips in a Vase. The original is at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts. I have not seen it -- in fact, I had never heard of him. A photo of the original is below. I know, I know, I made a bad copy. I just can't shake my impressionist leanings enough to be "modern art" as he was. I love them both!


I should just stay out of supermarkets. 

I had made the usual Saturday rounds, Farmers' Market, Salvation Army (to drop off used clothing), and Whole Foods to get bacon. I couldn't bring myself to pay $11.00 for 8 ounces of bacon at the Farmers' Market. Luckily, it was cured with sugar and that was my excuse to not buy -- no sugar for me!

I was done and walking to my car when the woman who was parked next to me (whose car is facing out -- she must have "pulled through" from the other side) dumps out some liquid right where I'm going to walk next to my driver's door. I figure, "Nice! At least it's not so much that I can't walk around it."

Her driver's side door is right next to mine. I get in and am fishing for the seat belt with my door open.

The woman backs out. Thunk!

(Remember she is facing out?) She had bent her mirror back on my open door and looked at me angrily as if to say, "What did YOU do?" I pointed out that my door had been open and she shouldn't have been in reverse. She waved me on, but I didn't want to move because she was getting out of her car. It turns out, she did hit the car behind her. The guy and his kid had just arrived in time to see it all.

This comes on the heels of my being screamed at by a very big, very angry woman in another supermarket (Stop in Shop). She's right: I was an asshole. I had to the nerve to say to her college age daughter -- who was going for the third different bag of cherries to "taste test" -- "that's called stealing."  I have learned my lesson -- I will never say anything to anyone again.

I'm running out of supermarkets to go to ...


Below you see a result of my having scanned in a black and white photograph. Sorry that I can't figure out how to get it to a decent size. Anyway, the lady with the white collar is my Grammy (Marina), also known as GG (for Great Grandmother) to my daughters. I am the little girl and the woman with her back to the camera and silver hair is Avo (my great grandmother). The man is Michael, my paternal grandfather. I'm guessing my mother took the picture. That's probably about 1956.


So I guess I should finally tell you about Sunday. Phyllis and I went to the Mead Art Museum at Amherst College. It is under renovation so only about half was open to the public. That was just about right.

The beginning was mostly Russian paintings. Some were interesting in a very modern way.

This, obviously, is winter. Apparently, I didn't get a picture of summer. Sorry about that! 

 I don't know why this one is so fuzzy -- maybe it's because I was excited at two still life paintings in a row!

And that's it. We capped our lovely Sunday afternoon with a coffee in Hadley.  Life is good.

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