I started the day off with a bit of breakfast. These are some of Phyllis' "cherry" tomatoes. I used the quotes because they are huge -- at least three bites each! The scrambled eggs with bacon are on a luncheon-sized plate, by the way.
Last night I spent quite bit of time adding "Jones Library" to about 15 bags. They are from the BagShare Project. Roxy dropped off about 20 cloth bags to be given away. They have all been made fy Cindy. Both women are anoymous but are great volunteers who are encouraging the use of recycled bags to take the place of plastic bags which are contributing to ocean pollution among other pollution sites. There are many beautiful patterns, but this is a quick view of some (www.thebagshare.org).
It was bloomin' hot. The temperature was only 81 F. but the dew point was 69! So ... that called for an iced coffee from Amherst Coffee.
Yes, that really is two giant pickles in a bag. I bought them from Sunset Farm (where Phyllis works) because they had taste samples and I really liked the lightly brined taste. They will be a good evening snack.
From the "What Were They Thinking???" category:
Police removed a 5 foot alligator from a West Springfield backyard. They say it weighed between 150 to 180 pounds. 'There is no word on whether the homeowner will be charged.' Charged with what? Being stupid? Cruelty to all the cats and dogs that got eaten?
The news article says a concerned neighbor called the police. Can you imagine getting up bleary eyed one morning and looking out your bedroom window and seeing a five foot alligator next door? "Holy f***k! How much tequila did I drink?!"
Phyllis and I had a yummy stir fry tonight using many of the fresh veggies that she gave me.
Here it is before I added the pork and sauce. The "rice" is Miracle Noodle rice.
After Addition of Meat
It's Sunday now and I couldn't bring myself to go to church. I slept until almost 9 a.m., not realizing how tired I was. So ... I am now chortling about the fact that I just got 56 points in Words with Friends. Does that make me a bad person?
Let the merriment begin! I met Nancy for lunch and we had a nice chat. She's going to Rockport and then Boston for a vacation next week. Her son and his fiance are flying in from Chicago to be with her.
After that it was on to Home Depot to get supplies to refinish my front door. I should be able to do that. Yeah, right.
Then on to Aldis. Consequently:
A pound of bacon is cooking in the microwave.
8 eggs are on their way to being hard boiled.
A package of Italian sausage is baking.
Also in the oven: 2 chicken thighs with Cajun seasoning, 2 plain chicken thighs, and 4 chicken thighs coated in ground pork rinds.
The crockpot is slowly cooking sirloin 'steak' (great for fajitas!) with mushrooms, garlic and bit of white wine.
I used white wine because it was open and I couldn't see opening a whole bottle of red for that ...
We ate at 1:30 p.m. and since it's now 5 p.m., I'm hungry! Wonder if there's anything to eat around here ... just kidding, I have leftovers from last night (the stir fry). I'm really happy that I will get all of the food packaging into the trash for tomorrow's pickup. I just have to pack modular servings for lunches and I'll be all set.
Since I still have laundry to do, bushes to cut, and car seats to wash, it's doubtful that I'll be doing anything on refinishing my front door. But I'll report back if I do.
Have a wonderful rest of day and a great week. This is going to be a great week! I can feel it in my buns. Er, bones.
Hey Tina, I am reclining on our inflatable mattress in our gi-normous tent 10 x 13 in Lewes DE N reading your blog! Saying to myself how funny you are --- and yes, I saw the photo of the alligator in the Wall Street Journal of all places! You know --- the one whose owner should be charged with stupidity AND cruelty to all the neighborhood animals that got eaten ---Some people! It has been wicked hot down here and we have been sampling as much crab as possible! You impress me with your weekly food prep --- well it's been enough down time so up and attem! I can hear veritable flotillas of children have arrived with their parents at Cape Henlopen campground --- signing off for now --- Marlene