Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Busy Saturday -- Two Weeks Ago!

I don't want to say that it has been a long time since I did some lopping, but I had to use two hands to steady my water glass just now. I couldn't hold the glass in one hand due to shaking. I got a new pair of loppers -- need I say more?

It's like a jungle here! I had no idea!! I now have piles of cuttings to haul to the way back and no energy to do it. It's at least 4 wagons full of cuttings. Oh, well, they will wait. I have to admit, you can barely tell that I cut anything. Yes, it had gotten that overgrown. It has been so dry, I am surprised. But I guess that's why weeds are so hardy -- they don't need much of anything to thrive.

It's a lovely 77 F. but I have run out of shade -- and energy. Most of you know I'm not a morning person, but I was this morning. So since 5 a.m. (incredible to believe for me!) I've been puttering around doing laundry, dishes, all those boring household chores. As Phyllis Diller used to say, 'I change the beds, vacuum, and clean and no matter what -- six months later, you have to do it all over again!' 

A nap is beginning to sound good ... more later. I'll try to get you some pictures. I like to post pictures! Oh, you knew that. Ta ta for now.


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