Cyndi and I went to the Amherst Club Cabaret tonight. The food was wonderful and the Gypsy Wranglers plus Lynne Ransome (jazz singer) were fabulous. I am sad to report that I did not win the 300 lottery tickets. My money went for a good cause, though. The Amherst Club supports half a dozen or more local charities.
Cyndi and I congratulated ourselves on "cleaning up nice."
We were sitting next to the Drs. Freed (Barbara and Gordon who are dentists) and Cyndi found out that she had gone to the same elementary school in Connecticut as Barbara. In fact, Barbara had known the woman whom it had been named for, saying the woman was really old -- at least 50! We all had a good laugh at that (Barbara is a year younger than I). After they left the table to dance, I said to Cyndi, "It's odd to realize that they both have had their hands in my mouth." (I go to another dentist now.)
So here it is 9:30 p.m. and I'm bushed. I did vacuum and some laundry before I left, but that sure isn't much. Maybe I'll throw something into the crockpot. Oh, yes, I did make "mac" and cheese using shiratake ziti noodles. Those are the Miracle Noodles. It's not pasta, but only pasta is pasta. It was quite passable. That's a lot of pas ...
It's Sunday Now
So I was watching CBS Sunday Morning and a commercial came on for a blood clot decreasing medicine. It was a really lovely stream of very orange goldfish, much prettier than in real life, swimming through an artery and ending up in a glass heart. They exited in an orderly fashion, but jammed up in a "clot." Then some dropped off through the artery and all was well. What puzzled me is that at the beginning, it said on screen, "For illustrative purposes only." My question is why did they tell me that? Are they afraid that I would think I have very orange goldfish swimming in my arteries? But then I thought, I guess that's better than saying, 'No goldfish have been harmed in the making of this.' And that notion was confirmed when, horror of horrors, some goldfish 'died' and fell out of the clot in the artery.
Also on CBS Sunday Morning was an interview with Gwen Stefani who was radiant in her golden pony tail, signature cherry red lips with a skirt to match. Her opaque white blouse with a tiny bit of red and blue accents was a brilliant combination. But, as much as I admire and envy her perfect figure, I was a bit nonplussed to see that her cute skirt barely covered her hoo ha as she walked along while being interviewed. Why? She's 46 freakin' years old! Now, granted, I am envious of her figure and her age, HOWEVER, that's almost 50 and she's the mother of 3 boys. Couldn't she add 4 inches of length to her hem?
I used to get really mad when my mother said I was too old for long hair. One time I snapped, "Should I dye it grey and cut it short?!" Well, I did cut it short but I'm not coloring my hair -- it's too much work. I guess we all have a way that we see ourselves.
I'm with Mom in that the women I see who are 50's, 60s, 70s and beyond who need to do something with their hair! Sure, if you want it long -- comb it! What used to look cute and sexy and wind tossed while in your 20s now looks like you forgot where you left your comb and brush.
So by now you must have figured out that I missed Palm Sunday services at church. I woke up at 9:45 a.m. and church starts at 10 a.m. That's cutting it a bit too close for me. Our sanctuary is up stairs with groaning, creaking stairs. It's pretty embarrassing to show up late because everyone can hear you climbing the stairs.
Today is the first day of spring and it's 35 degrees. That's o.k. The weather service is now saying that we probably won't get the northeaster storm that they were making dire predictions about two days ago. That's fine with me. My daffodils don't need snow! They haven't popped yet, that I know of, but they are close to blooming.
More Sunday
Ann and I decided to go on an excellent adventure and went to the Ocean State Job Lots in Palmer. It's about a 40 minute ride and we had fun looking and doing a bit of shopping. How could I pass up a jar of cinnamon for $1? Ann got a mini rake for her garden and some decorative fencing. We were hungry then but there was nowhere (except fast food) to eat. So I just started driving thinking that we might come to the center of Palmer and we came upon this.
It's called the Steaming Tender and it has active railroad tracks on either side. It's quite a large restaurant since it is the original train depot (no passenger trains stop there). The red locomotive that you can barely see on the left is used for private parties.
This was outside:
And here's what we saw inside.
And across the street:
All in all, it was an excellent adventure. I have just finished making a bunch of food for the week. Now I have a mountain of dishes (pots and pans) to wash. I really wish they would wash themselves!
Have a great week!