I have started this blog many times in my head but it comes out as a litany of complaints. But it's not just me -- everyone is grumpy. We all have cabin fever -- even though we go to work every day -- because the weather is getting to us. I looked out of the window before work today and it was snowing. Some Pollyanna at work said, "Oh, I like it -- it makes it look all clean and bright!" Ugh. Maybe she's on drugs.
I got stuck in the snow in my driveway yesterday before work because I didn't pay enough attention when I was backing out of the garage. It took me ten minutes and shoveling to get the car out. That would be my favorite thing first thing in the morning.
I had the ends of the roof snow raked but I'm too cheap to pay more than $50 so he wouldn't get on a ladder and do more.
We have two people out of work (a dislocated knee and a broken shoulder) due to falls on ice. And there's the flu ... so those of us still left at work get to do it all! Oh, joy.
A bright note: the wind chill factor is supposed to be so severe that everyone is sure to stay inside tomorrow. Right? Um, no. People are still asking why the front door of the Library is blocked off. I guess the huge mounds of snow and ice right where patrons would enter is not a clue.
They have changed the forecast for Sunday from snow to freezing rain. I'm really annoyed that I don't have any ice skates. It appears that I will need them.
You know the snow banks are high when you can't get the wireless signal of your garage door remote over them. I now have to be in my driveway to open the door. Sigh.
On Saturday, we have the Wine and Canvas event at the Library. We will be copying "Starry Nights" by Van Gogh. I'm not sure if a lot of wine or a little bit of wine will be best for the artwork.
I would close with a joke but the only one I can remember is not for mixed company. Think of your own joke.
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