I see the caller ID says, "San Antonio, TX." I don't know anyone in Texas.
Him: Hello, Ma'm, this is Adam from ... garbled ... computer service. You are the primary owner of the computer are you not? Adam sounds like he is in New Delhi. He certainly doesn't sound like he's in Texas. In fact, I'll bet he's sipping chai, admiring the woman in the cubicle across from him. (I can hear voices in his background.)
Me: What do you want? (Tired voice.)
Him: We have monitored your computer for some time and we have discovered that you are infested with many viruses.
Me: Is the reason you are experiencing this because of the large concentration of fecal matter in your body which has not exited by any orifice?
Him: I'm talking about your computer, Ma'm. There are so many viruses.
Me: Well, fine. I suggest an analgesic will clear up your problem. Thanks for calling.
I hung up. Do you suppose Adam will take my advice? Reading this, I realize how appropriate (in writing) the word analgesic was. I didn't know I was that clever. Should I check the basement for pods?
What you're looking at is a picture of some of the tortilla bowls that I made to convey the veggie chili during my "Watch the SuperBowl Commercials" party. I bought those fluted pans "as seen on TV!" and it was very simple. Next time, however, I won't use a 10 inch tortillas because they really are too big. But they come out nice and crispy and they are just fun.
The potluck was great and the game was even more exciting than I could have imagined. Yay, Patriots! :)
I think I have bored all of you with this, but here's a picture that I painted at a Wine and Canvas event last week. Give me a couple of glasses of wine and I'll be bold enough to try to copy Monet. I'm not happy with how the bridge looks but I'm pretty sure that if I had worked on it more, it would not have been a pretty sight!
Yes, it is in a pizza box. That's what they give you to take your work home in. All in all, it was a lot of fun.
We are having a Wine and Canvas event on February 21 at the Library. We will be copying Van Gogh's "Starry Night." That should be fun.
My friend, John Birch, will be leading the first of three focus groups at the Library tomorrow. The goal is to get public input for a long range strategic plan for the Library. The information will also be rolled into a building plan for the renovations that we hope to do in the next couple of years.
He and his associate, Dominique, visited yesterday and they took me to lunch at Judie's. I think my favorite sandwich there has to be the chicken/guacamole/bacon/lettuce sandwich. But it's nap inducing. You really don't want to go back to work after that sandwich!
I'm off to read for next week's book club. We're reading, "Dogs Don't Lie" by Clea Simon. Cheers!
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