My Mystery Lovers Book Club has been funded by the Friends of the Jones Library System (so that I can give each author a pittance of an honorarium).
Beginning in January with Rory O'Brien's Gallows Hill, we will meet mid-month to discuss the first half of the book. Then, two weeks later, we will meet the author! This is Rory's first effort and it's set in Salem, Massachusetts (a couple of hours' drive from here). I'm privileged to call Rory a friend, having met him two years in a row at the New England Crime Bake. He's also a mentalist and you can Google him as Rory Raven. He is quite the raconteur in person and I like his book, although I have to admit that I haven't finished it yet.
We end in May with Kate Flora (bless you, Kate!) and I have feelers (aka emails) to other authors. All of the meetings will be at 3 p.m. knowing that some people don't like to drive at night, especially during the winter. Unfortunately, it is now getting dark at 4:30 p.m. We will serve tea and cookies to keep everyone's strength up!
Jim Wright of StoneKettle Station blog has hit one out of the park again. Unfortunately, it's his take on the torture scandal. I am so upset because I, too, am one who cannot say in all honesty that, "I didn't know." We all knew. Am I the only one who noticed the prevalence of water boarding in so-called fictional TV shows? How can I reconcile my inaction and lack of involvement with seeing myself as a good person? Too heavy for before work, but I'm thinking on it.
I have heard of 3 people who fell on the invisible ice on the pavement yesterday. I am so glad that I was home with sinus pain! One ESL tutor called in and said she couldn't meet with her client because she couldn't get out of her car. She was across the street in the parking lot. Ah, the vagaries of weather.
The Town Employee Holiday Party is tomorrow and we get to close the Library at 3 p.m. We will play our own version of Jeopardy that the IT guys have constructed. It was lots of fun last year with our Finance Director as 'Alex Trebeck.' Sandy wore a tux and he was very elegant and funny. This year, my boss will be the host. We already told her to wear her gold sequined dress. I told her to get a tiara. It's what you would expect, right?
So I made onion soup. Yeah, yeah, I know that's not what most people do at 5 a.m. But I was awake. And now I'll have it when I come home from work and I'm really, really hungry.
I also made a "pot roast" using a London broil -- not exactly as thick as a pot roast cut.
Why, you may ask, is it so pale? Well ... I used the traditional cream of mushroom soup plus dry onion soup. Except that I am out of onion soup. And, the more I thought about it, that soup is mainly salt -- which I do not need! Yes, you do see celery in it. I never thought I would do that (because I hate celery), but just carrots seemed lame. I purposely left out the potatoes because I love them so much cooked this way that I eat too many! So I might make some rice or have a slice of bread with it. My main problem now is getting it to cool before I have to go to work. This is a cool dish as opposed to the baking dish that is still around 300 F. (The onion soup cooled enough and is in the fridge.)
I'm off to hit the showers. Work is busy, busy, busy especially with donations. That's a very good thing! Our budget depends a lot on fundraising. Most of the programming is paid for by the Friends of the Library. What many people in Town don't understand is that even though the Town pays salaries, they pay $40,000 less than the actual payroll costs. And the Trustees have reduced the draw from the endowment significantly under advice from financial experts who predicted the endowment would disappear with the former spending rate.
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