Breakfast for the week
Yup, that's the Canadian bacon, shredded cheese, and eggs with chives. I'll wrap a piece of bread around one and bring it to work to go with my coffee. So a week of breakfast is covered.
Apparently, there are a lot of people who object to this being Columbus Day. They say he was a horrible person who cheated his own sailors and who enslaved people, giving away their young girls to unhappy sailors.
The problem is, many of our holidays either upset people or they celebrate less than honorable people. Presidents' Day is a combo of Washington and Lincoln's birthdays. Washington had slaves and old Abe was hated by many southerners. Christmas upsets non-Christians and people such as myself who work in municipalities have to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."
And we cannot even agree on Patriots' Day -- some states don't celebrate that at all. What's a nation to do? I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying my no-work day on Columbus Day!
The trouble with housework is it's not only not rewarding, it always leads to something else. I was admiring the sun coming through my glass collection yesterday and the way it made pretty colored patterns on the ceiling. Then I realized that the glass baker's rack needed dusting. Well! This would be a good time to see what I can put in the big plastic toter and maybe thin the crowd. Nope. I even took some things out and rearranged others.
But then, the plants needed de-leafing. I only took off the brown ones, which meant the plants had to be watered. Of course, half of the brown leaves hit the floor which means the living room needed vacuuming. (I just finished the vacuuming -- everything else I did yesterday.)
Yesterday, I began the laundry and today load number 4 contains my blankets and the "winter" couch covers. (Yes, Mom, I changed the sheets on my bed. I do it once a year whether it needs it or not.) Because ... the summer couch just won't do.
The plastic bucket (lower left) is Boy Scouts popcorn. I hate these kids coming door to door, but they were very cute. And their mother was pulling the wagon. Ha ha. Better her than me.
I just realized that it's after 3 p.m. and I haven't had lunch. I think I'll do that now.
Anyway, here's the winter couch also with a newly washed afghan. I would say it all smells lovely, but I use unscented everything because most scents make my nose run. So it doesn't smell! I'm too cheap to put on the heat and it's not quite 64 F. in the house, so the afghan will come in handy!
In comes Earl who happens to be an angel sent to make her believe that there is a God. Of course, she gives Earl all kinds of tests trying to make sure she's not hallucinating, which is quite possible because she drinks to the point of near-coma very often. Her best friend is the forensic expert who is very Catholic and is dying to meet Earl.
It's a good dialogue between the unbelieving who sees the seamy side of life all of the time and a believer who is trying to convince another of the existence and true good of God. I'm not sure anyone would be convinced by this TV show, but I find it very entertaining.
As soon as I hang up my clean clothes, and put my blankets on my bed, I'm done with this housework stuff. I think I should get an app for my phone that is just the sound of people clapping. Then, when I'm done with these tedious chores, I can give myself a round of applause.
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