I've got beans in the oven bubbling away. They are mmm, mmm good! There's also a winter squash.
Anyway ... my first stop this morning was to get my hair cut. In the salon's parking lot, I took a couple of shots to show you what a fabulous fall day it is.
Aren't these cute maple trees?
I have no idea what the yellow vine is but it's comfy next to the willow on the right.
UPDATE: Thanks, Therese, for telling me that the yellow vine is bittersweet. It's an invasive species that is killing many of our trees by girdling the tree and strangling the tree. People used to use bittersweet berries for a Christmas swag, but that is discouraged now.
So after I got my hair cut, I decided I needed a pick me up and I wanted to put some red streaks into my hair. But ... I told her that I couldn't go really wild because who is going to trust a bucket load of money to an accountant who has Bozo colored hair? Anyway, here is the very understated results. (We took the pictures outside because you really need sunlight to see the color.)
Next time I'll get more red. It didn't color the grey which is AOK with me. The grey is actually white and sparkles!
Tonight is Phyllis' Halloween party (I'm bringing baked beans) and I wonder if anyone will notice.
I just finished watching the second movie of the Hunger Games Series (Catching Fire). I have to admit that some parts scared the bejaysus out of me!
Last week was a tough one at work, culminating with accounts payable, payroll, new hire computer entry and a rainy Friday. You know what a rainy Friday means: the nuts come out of the woodwork.
We had someone complain that the noise from the guys using the leaf blower in our driveway bothered him and his colleagues in their offices overlooking the driveway. No, I can't tell you his profession, but let me say that he should have figured out a coping strategy. He also suggested using a rake instead. Wow. A rake. Why didn't we think of that?
Anyway, that encounter spurred a whole lot of Saturday Night Live-type of skits in my head.
"Doctor, I've come to this break through and I think that now, because you have listened to me I can now stop ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! "... and that is why instead of using that machete, I'm going to ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
"I suppose you wonder why I've asked you be here. I know you think that as Chief Inspector Detective, I should have done more. But I have been secretly working on the case and I have eliminated ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! "... as the murderer and I can unequivocally say it's ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
"Madam, I know your child has been near death for two weeks, but I'm here to say ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
Well, you get the idea. Really, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!
Mercifully, Kerchief Woman did not show up. She's always coming into the Office to offer us helpful advice. She's already asked us to post handwritten diatribes about children and religion; she wants our maintenance supervisor to consult her about the bathroom cleaners he uses because she knows what's best. Her latest kick (and she had been in at least three times about this) is how disgraceful it is that nobody has cleaned the wood on the door inside the office. It has a 'patina' from 1928 when it was installed. We kinda sorta don't mess with it.
So my coping strategy for her (because she will talk Lisa's ear off for 20 minutes at a time) is to thank her profusely and walk into her personal space. Then I gently herd her out the door, edging a little closer with each step. It's a weird job, but somebody's gotta do it.
Yes, I finished "Saving Grace" and I miss it. Of course, the ending made me cry. That to me is great writing. I was engaged, it made me think and I cried. Although this whole "winter's a comin' in" bit has been making me cry at dog food commercials.
I think I did myself out of the book club that I liked (SciFi/Fantasy). I think the Hampshire/Franklin Labor Council meets on the same night (in Northampton). Phooey. Lisa asked how I got roped into going to those meetings. Actually, I like to go. They get stuff done, the Treasurer gives a fabulous report ("This is what we had, this is what we spent, this is what's left" -- elegant!), and they like me! They liked it when I did the minutes as a fill in so I offered to do it. I'll have to remember to bring my Netbook. Another thing to plug in...
I was thinking about my friend Roseann Spector Traynor, may she rest in peace. She 'got me' every Halloween and scared the crap out of me. She didn't necessarily do it on the exact date, but she would send me a cutesy Hallowee email with kitties and warm fuzzies. And part way through, this goblin would SCREAM at me. The first time, I thought I was going to have a heart attack -- really. I told her that and said, 'Don't do it again.' Of course, she did it every year. Roseann also loved blonde jokes. So here's one in her memory.
A brunette was on the banks of a river and couldn't figure out where the bridge was. She yelled to a blonde on the other side, "How do I get to the other side of the river?"
The blonde yelled back, "You are on the other side of the river!"