Sunday, October 26, 2014

Yummy Sunday

Yummy! I made home made applesauce!

Right out of the pot!

It was really easy and tasty -- I used some of the vanilla that Paul had given to me for Christmas!  I made it to go with a fresh pork roast and broccoli.  Phyllis brought leftovers from her Halloween party and Ann and Rod brought a beautiful green salad.  I'm single handedly re-instituting "big Sunday dinner."  

I did put an update on the previous post, but the yellow vine is bittersweet which is an invasive species that kills a lot of trees.


One of Phyllis' guests last night:
  1. Nigel Coxe was awarded the Bach Prize adjudicated by the eminent English pianist & Bach exponent Dame Myra Hess, while he was a student at the Royal Academy of Music in London. Believe it or not, I was too shy to introduce myself to him.
  2. But I did introduce myself to:  Amherst-based Art historian Gary Tartakov. He had brought yummy stuffed shells and his wife had the most gorgeous green and feathery mask and costume.
  3. My former boss, Bonnie, was there along with Therese Brady Donahue who owned and operated the Amherst Ballet for many years.  Currently, she does licensed productions at the Eric Carle Museum.
  4. There were many other local notables, people of accomplishments (mostly University of Mass. based).  All in all, it was an eclectic group.
  5. ********************************************************************
  6. My lawn mowing guy has just shown up.  Sheesh. I thought we were done with that.
  7. Time to write checks and do laundry. Ta ta.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Scrumptious Saturday

I've got beans in the oven bubbling away.  They are mmm, mmm good!  There's also a winter squash.

Anyway ... my first stop this morning was to get my hair cut.  In the salon's parking lot, I took a couple of shots to show you what a fabulous fall day it is.

Aren't these cute maple trees?

I have no idea what the yellow vine is but it's comfy next to the willow on the right.
UPDATE:  Thanks, Therese, for telling me that the yellow vine is bittersweet.  It's an invasive species that is killing many of our trees by girdling the tree and strangling the tree.  People used to use bittersweet berries for a Christmas swag, but that is discouraged now.

So after I got my hair cut, I decided I needed a pick me up and I wanted to put some red streaks into my hair.  But ... I told her that I couldn't go really wild because who is going to trust a bucket load of money to an accountant who has Bozo colored hair?  Anyway, here is the very understated results. (We took the pictures outside because you really need sunlight to see the color.)

Next time I'll get more red.  It didn't color the grey which is AOK with me.  The grey is actually white and sparkles!

Tonight is Phyllis' Halloween party (I'm bringing baked beans) and I wonder if anyone will notice.


I just finished watching the second movie of the Hunger Games Series (Catching Fire).  I have to admit that some parts scared the bejaysus out of me! 


Last week was a tough one at work, culminating with accounts payable, payroll, new hire computer entry and a rainy Friday.  You know what a rainy Friday means: the nuts come out of the woodwork.

We had someone complain that the noise from the guys using the leaf blower in our driveway bothered him and his colleagues in their offices overlooking the driveway. No, I can't tell you his profession, but let me say that he should have figured out a coping strategy. He also suggested using a rake instead.  Wow.  A rake. Why didn't we think of that?

Anyway, that encounter spurred a whole lot of Saturday Night Live-type of skits in my head.

"Doctor, I've come to this break through and I think that now, because you have listened to me I can now stop ..."  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr! "... and that is why instead of using that machete, I'm going to ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrr!

"I suppose you wonder why I've asked you be here.  I know you think that as Chief Inspector Detective, I should have done more.  But I have been secretly working on the case and I have eliminated ..." Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! "... as the murderer and I can unequivocally say it's ..."  Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

"Madam, I know your child has been near death for two weeks, but I'm here to say ..."  Brrrrrrrrrrrr!

Well, you get the idea.  Really, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Mercifully, Kerchief Woman did not show up.  She's always coming into the Office to offer us helpful advice.  She's already asked us to post handwritten diatribes about children and religion; she wants our maintenance supervisor to consult her about the bathroom cleaners he uses because she knows what's best.  Her latest kick (and she had been in at least three times about this) is how disgraceful it is that nobody has cleaned the wood on the door inside the office.  It has a 'patina' from 1928 when it was installed. We kinda sorta don't mess with it.

So my coping strategy for her (because she will talk Lisa's ear off for 20 minutes at a time) is to thank her profusely and walk into her personal space.  Then I gently herd her out the door, edging a little closer with each step.  It's a weird job, but somebody's gotta do it.

Yes, I finished "Saving Grace" and I miss it.  Of course, the ending made me cry.  That to me is great writing.  I was engaged, it made me think and I cried.  Although this whole "winter's a comin' in" bit has been making me cry at dog food commercials.


I think I did myself out of the book club that I liked (SciFi/Fantasy). I think the Hampshire/Franklin Labor Council meets on the same night (in Northampton).  Phooey.  Lisa asked how I got roped into going to those meetings.  Actually, I like to go.  They get stuff done, the Treasurer gives a fabulous report ("This is what we had, this is what we spent, this is what's left" -- elegant!), and they like me! They liked it when I did the minutes as a fill in so I offered to do it.  I'll have to remember to bring my Netbook.  Another thing to plug in...


I was thinking about my friend Roseann Spector Traynor, may she rest in peace.  She 'got me' every Halloween and scared the crap out of me.  She didn't necessarily do it on the exact date, but she would send me a cutesy Hallowee email with kitties and warm fuzzies. And part way through, this goblin would SCREAM at me.  The first time, I thought I was going to have a heart attack -- really.  I told her that and said, 'Don't do it again.'  Of course, she did it every year.  Roseann also loved blonde jokes.  So here's one in her memory.

A brunette was on the banks of a river and couldn't figure out where the bridge was.  She yelled to a blonde on the other side, "How do I get to the other side of the river?"
The blonde yelled back, "You are on the other side of the river!"

Monday, October 20, 2014

WARM October Weekend

It has been so incredibly warm that I am considering bringing my shorts out again.  Nope, no heat on yet!

I've got my new Keurig up and running.  Yay!  It even has a water filter and came with five "free" cups of coffee.  I am so happy! 


I am going to become a troglodyte.  I am tired of being held hostage to electronic gizmos.  Today I brought my car to have the transmission fluid drained and replaced. I happily sat back and opened the iPad that Sue H. had loaned me so I could get "The Hanging Judge" instantly from the Library.  The darn thing said it was only two per cent charged.  No dice.  I looked at my phone -- you guessed it: it needed charging.

I know if I look at my Kindle (with a Sara Paretsky mystery), THAT will need charging.  And when I use my GPS in the car, I have to charge that while I'm driving and plug my phone in when I know where I am (which is rare).

So I've got various things charging in the living room.  I was able to disconnect the battery charger because they are charged and ready for my camera ... but I'm going nuts because my lens cap has disappeared.  Phooey.


Today was going to be my day to take pictures of the gorgeous red and orange trees.  They were slower to turn color than the yellows.  Yup, it has been raining on and off all day and there was a huge downpour a half hour ago.  Soon there will be no leaves to admire.

Having written the above on Saturday, I did nothing all day yesterday (Sunday).  That's not exactly true -- I did laundry and made my breakfasts for the week.

I have decided to use turkey sausage crumbles on the bottom of the egg thingies.  The Canadian bacon was a bit salty for me.  Anyway, I also decided to use muffin papers to see if I wouldn't have to scrub the egg off the ramekins.  It wasn't worth it because some slopped over onto the ramekin and I had to peel the paper off all of the eggs.  I did make another discovery, however.  I had a can of biscuits (grands) which turned out to be the perfect size and calorie content.

And it fits into the container below so I can bring it to work!

On Saturday night, Naomi came over and painted another piggy.  For some reason, I have named her Rosita (Little Rose).

You can see a bare window and curtain rods on the table because I have washed the lace valence and cotton curtains and I haven't checked to see if they are dry yet.  It's so easy to do them in the sink in the bathroom and then I just put them on a rack in the tub. I'm embarrassed to say how old they are, but I like them! (I also made the cafe curtains, not the valence.)

Yesterday, Emily said, "I really like my job!" and it occurred to me that I like my job too!  So today I'm waiting for my annual check up at the doc and then it's off to work.  What new challenges will there be?  

I'm really glad we don't play pranks like they do on Saving Grace because everyone's weakness is ribbed to the hilt.  One macho guy confessed his fear of small birds and they lured a zillion birds with seed to the outdoor courtyard that he can see from his desk. And they put a gaping mouth baby bird as a screen saver on his desk. He freaked.


Speaking of freaking out.  Around here, there are several places, some farms, with scary Halloween stuff.  On the farm, it's usually a hay ride with ghosts and goblins jumping out at you in the dark of night.  But  few years ago, inspired I think by the movies, the horrors were "people" with chain saws and knives and bloody limbs jumping out.  Ick, ick, ick.  I don't see the charm.

I guess I prefer the scary stuff that I know is not real.  Frankenstein, ghosts, witches ... that sort of thing.  Some mad man with a chain saw is too close to real for me.

It's beginning to feel like Halloween -- we had a small frost last night.  The temp went from high 60's to 30 ish.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Columbus Day 2014

Well, it's back to chilly and dreary (not quite 60 F.) outside.  So I stayed in.

Breakfast for the week 

Yup, that's the Canadian bacon, shredded cheese, and eggs with chives.  I'll wrap a piece of bread around one and bring it to work to go with my coffee. So a week of breakfast is covered.


Apparently, there are a lot of people who object to this being Columbus Day.  They say he was a horrible person who cheated his own sailors and who enslaved people, giving away their young girls to unhappy sailors.

The problem is, many of our holidays either upset people or they celebrate less than honorable people.  Presidents' Day is a combo of Washington and Lincoln's birthdays.  Washington had slaves and old Abe was hated by many southerners.  Christmas upsets non-Christians and people such as myself who work in municipalities have to say "Happy Holidays" instead of "Merry Christmas."

And we cannot even agree on Patriots' Day -- some states don't celebrate that at all.  What's a nation to do? I don't know about you, but I'm enjoying my no-work day on Columbus Day!


The trouble with housework is it's not only not rewarding, it always leads to something else.  I was admiring the sun coming through my glass collection yesterday and the way it made pretty colored patterns on the ceiling.  Then I realized that the glass baker's rack needed dusting.  Well! This would be a good time to see what I can put in the big plastic toter and maybe thin the crowd.  Nope.  I even took some things out and rearranged others.

But then, the plants needed de-leafing.  I only took off the brown ones, which meant the plants had to be watered.  Of course, half of the brown leaves hit the floor which means the living room needed vacuuming.  (I just finished the vacuuming -- everything else I did yesterday.)

Yesterday, I began the laundry and today load number 4 contains my blankets and the "winter" couch covers.  (Yes, Mom, I changed the sheets on my bed.  I do it once a year whether it needs it or not.)  Because ... the summer couch just won't do.

The plastic bucket (lower left) is Boy Scouts popcorn.  I hate these kids coming door to door, but they were very cute.  And their mother was pulling the wagon.  Ha ha.  Better her than me.

I just realized that it's after 3 p.m. and I haven't had lunch.  I think I'll do that now.

Anyway, here's the winter couch also with a newly washed afghan.  I would say it all smells lovely, but I use unscented everything because most scents make my nose run.  So it doesn't smell! I'm too cheap to put on the heat and it's not quite 64 F. in the house, so the afghan will come in handy!

While I was waiting for my ravioli (spinach and cheese topped with pesto), I washed the dishes.  I've been watching Saving Grace, an old TV series with Holly Hunter.  I was so upset when they only made one season of it, but I think there was too much God talk in it for most people. In it, Grace Anadarco is a spitfire cop in Oklahoma City and she doesn't believe in God.  She's profane, drinks too much, smokes like a chimney, has sex with a married man (and others who are single) and breaks many commandments every day.

In comes Earl who happens to be an angel sent to make her believe that there is a God.  Of course, she gives Earl all kinds of tests trying to make sure she's not hallucinating, which is quite possible because she drinks to the point of near-coma very often.  Her best friend is the forensic expert who is very Catholic and is dying to meet Earl.

It's a good dialogue between the unbelieving who sees the seamy side of life all of the time and a believer who is trying to convince another of the existence and true good of God.  I'm not sure anyone would be convinced by this TV show, but I find it very entertaining.


As soon as I hang up my clean clothes, and put my blankets on my bed, I'm done with this housework stuff.  I think I should get an app for my phone that is just the sound of people clapping.  Then, when I'm done with these tedious chores, I can give myself a round of applause.


Friday, October 10, 2014

My Oh My, How I Love

Brussel Sprouts

Yup, they were pretty yummy with the wild caught salmon!  Just thought we needed some color here!


So it was a heck of a week at work.  The auditors showed up and gave me more homework to do.  Many very annoying people also showed up.  I can't really go into the stories, but suffice it to say, that public spaces, libraries in particular, seem to attract people who have issues.  (I've been groping for a word here, but I think you get my gist.)  Anyway, I'm SO happy it's Friday! And a long weekend too.  Wahoo!

I just have to heat up the chicken stew I made in the slow cooker last night and I'll be good to curl up with my books.  I've got two. (Big grin.)

Sue H., bless her, gave me her PERSONAL tablet to use so I could read "The Hanging Judge" by Michael Ponsor.  He's going to be at the Library next week and I thought I should go listen to him.  His daughter used to play with my daughter years ago (when he was only a lawyer and not a judge yet).  He still lives in Amherst with his second wife.  Anyway ... this is fiction, so I'm dying to see what it's all about.  (When we read of Michael's federal case judgments, he seemed to be fair and compassionate.)

And ... my book club book, "The Martian" is in and it's a shiny new hardcover book.  It's pretty exciting to read something that someone else picked out for me and this one MUST be SciFi.  The other one was definitely fantasy -- leaning toward (ugh) romance.  Bring on the little green men!

Oh, by the way, there was only one mild surprise in "Poison Study," but it was a fairly decent book.  I found one 'error' -- I can't tell you in case you read the book -- in a phrase that the heroine used. It was anachronistic and nobody else had caught it. Hee hee. That's what I do -- I'm an editor! 

Along the same lines, I found two egregious grammatical errors in a self published book recently.  The awful thing is, they were after the halfway mark -- when he had hired an editor!  I should really look into getting into book editing!


Tomorrow through Monday is the Paradise City (Northampton's nickname appended by Silent Cal Coolidge when he was Mayor of Northampton) Art Festival.  I haven't gone in years but I'm going to attempt it this year.  I usually cannot afford anything, but it is a veritable feast for the eyes.  Yes, yes, I will bring my camera.

Cheers! I'm off to eat chicken stew!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

If It's Tuesday, It Must Be SciFi

So, okay, I'm a failure at titles. But I am sitting in my office waiting for 7 p.m. because that's when the SciFi/Fantasy Book Club meets.  Yep, I'm 3/4 of the way through Poison Study by Maria Snyder. Supposedly, the club is only going to discuss the first half of the book.

Way back in my youth -- as an undergraduate -- I was turned on to SciFi by the guy who later turned out to be my first husband.  I read Heinlein and more classics that I've long since forgotten.  But I never forgot my visceral love, no lust, of Harlan Ellison's writing.  (I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream, or, The Beast Who Shouted Love at the Heart of the World.)

Nope, this is no Harlan Ellison.  By the way, he has done a lot of writing for TV and he wrote a wonderful treatise on why he won't write for free.  But back to Poison Study: it's not bad but more fantasy than I'd like.  It's a different world with different rules and people still employ hand to hand combat (no guns, just bow and arrows, knives, maces, etc.).  Our heroine is long suffering and the book actually begins with her in a pitch black stinking dungeon.  The way the plot is advancing, I don't think I will be surprised which is why I'm lukewarm about this book.  IF I am surprised, I will be back extolling its virtues!


This book, however, has been a welcome relief from reality.  I went to the dentist yesterday morning to get my temporary crown (the second of three appointments).  Do I need to say more than I needed two shots of novocaine and it had worn off before he was done?  So after over two hours in the chair, I crawl back to work.  In the afternoon, I needed a snack and I had brought unsalted nuts.  Yup.  I broke a tooth on the other side. I went back to the dentist (the office is about 4 buildings down the street from the Library) and he kept saying, 'This is bad. This is not good.'  I need another crown.  After a deep discount from the dentist, I'll be paying over $1500 in co-payments and there will be $25 left in my dental insurance coverage. [I wonder if I should stop paying the premium ... ]  Bah humbug.

As some people would say, "It's fixin' to rain."  Supposedly, around 4 a.m. tomorrow, we will be getting a downpour.  We already had buckets of rain last weekend, knocking all of the turned (color) leaves off. However, many trees haven't changed color and are holding onto their leaves.  I can't wait to see what happens, but it would be nice to see some fall color!

The pumpkins are everywhere and I'm wanting to make some pumpkin soup.  I'm just not sure if I want to start with the small sugar pumpkins, but I could roast them with another spaghetti squash.

By the way, I have discovered the easiest breakfast sandwich to make ahead: line a muffin tin with Canadian Bacon (that's what we call little rounds of uncured ham, Moose) and toss in some shredded cheese. (I probably won't use jalepeno cheddar next time.)  Then put in a beaten egg or two, parseley -- whatever you want.  Bake until done.  I wrap a slice of bread or toast around it and head out the door to work!

Gotta go.  Cheers!