Saturday, August 9, 2014

Some Time Last Week

One of the best things about living alone is that you can do (and eat) whatever you want!  I couldn't let Phyllis' yummy tomato be unappreciated.  I don't remember what day this was (who cares?), but here was breakfast.

That's fontinella cheese, which tasted like Italian cheddar cheese to me.  The blueberries are from next door and I grew the sweet pepper!  You'll notice the tip of the pepper is gone and that's because I was testing to see if it was a jalapeno.  Nope.  I used it later in the chicken cacciatore that I made in the crockpot.  Boy, is that great to come home from work and smell supper!

Here are some garden updates.  (I know you're sick of these pictures, but it keeps me out of bars.)

The eggplant is doing nicely

Here are my Brown Eyed Susans -- they all showed up OUT of the raised beds and in the walkway.

Some people think Queen Anne's Lace (above) is just a weed.  I think it's pretty.

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