Saturday, August 16, 2014


Saturday - slept until almost 10 a.m.! (Went to bed at Midnight.)  Netflix will be the downfall of me.  I have a new series: Wallander.  It's in Swedish, so I have to read subtitles (my friend, Frank, would understand the Swedish).  I always wonder if they are translating it correctly.  

In case you're wondering, here are some of my favorites:

House of Cards with Kevin Spacey
The Killing  (I think it's done and I'm sad for that)
Lilyhammer (set in Norway, but in English)
Longmier (Craig Johnson, the author of the books, will be guest at the New England CrimeBake this year.)
Sherlock Holmes (newest TV show)
Luther (a British detective show -- loved it!)
I've gone brain dead ... the one with Helen Mirren and she's a chief detective inspector.  Oh, of course: Prime Suspect
An Appropriate Adult -- this was a big surprise to me.  The Brits have the volunteer job title of "Appropriate Adult" for an accused suspect when they feel there might be a mental health component involved.  Such as, the accused might be developmentally delayed and not understand what the police are saying.
Cedar Cove
Foley's War -- I haven't really gotten into it yet, but I have seen a couple on "live" TV.
Inspector Morse -- again, I haven't gotten it that yet, having seen many on TV.

Could not stand Breaking Bad.  Everyone else likes it, but I couldn't even finish the first one.

11:00 a.m. Got the laundry in, went out to the garden.

Somebody couldn't wait for the parmesan! At least they left me some of my first eggplant.  Ah, nature is so grand.

While they are Japanese eggplant and a strange size, I cannot explain the round one.  I think it's conflicted but I don't have the money to bring it to a shrink.

I'm off to make sauce.  Most of the tomatoes are Phyllis'.  Honest, she told me to pick them!


Please buy my friend Kate Flora's new book:


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