Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Snow Day

So if a death row prisoner has his last meal and is allergic to the food, and he goes into anaphylactic shock and dies -- do they have to revive him to kill him?  Just wondering.


Somebody on FB asked, 'If you could have dinner with an historical figure, who would it be? One woman said, "Paul of Tarsus."  Why in heaven's name would you want to eat with Saul, otherwise known as Paul of Tarsus?  (Was his name too ethnic that he had to change it?)  Every time Paul rode into a town and preached, he got the stink beat out of him and they threw him out of town. Or they beat him up and threw him in jail.  I'm thinking a lot of people didn't like Paul.  And I'm thinking he couldn't quite learn from experience.

So I mentioned this to a friend and she said, 'Wouldn't you want to meet Jesus?'  (No, she was not about to kill me, she was asking in the previously mentioned context.)

I've been thinking about that and I don't think so.  First of all, innuendo would be completely out.  A conversation can be pretty flat if there's no possibility of innuendo.  And, oh yeah, hyperbole.  No chance for hyperbole there!

But the worst would be if Jesus said, "What's with all this cult stuff? My point was: be nicer to each other and question authority."  Because when you think about it, the major Christian sects now seem to be very cult-like in enforcing their rules.  Just sayin'.


I was done with winter yesterday.  I guess Mother Nature didn't care.


I told you this was random thoughts.  What did you expect? War and Peace?                       %%%%%%%%%

This is my pre-over easy egg with Buffalo chicken flavored chicken sausages (very very low fat).
Breakfast of Champions


Lisa and I have been congratulating ourselves on making K-cups for coffee for about $0.67 each.  This is as opposed to $2.00/cup for coffee from the coffee shop across the street.  Of course, with the ease of making it upstairs in the staff room, we are drinking twice as much coffee as ever ... 


How come after I corrected the spelling of anaphylactic, this blog is still questioning the spelling? After all, I Googled it.

What did we do before Google? I guess I wondered a lot.  I know I'm not more intelligent.  I took an IQ test on FaceBook yesterday and my friend, who posted it, got 150.  I got "almost average."  That was a let down.  I had thought I might score more than half of what she scored!  It just proves that I'm the only one impressed with me!

Cheers for now.

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