I just looked at the outdoor temp. and it reads 107.6 F. I KNOW that is not right, it's hot alright, but not that hot. And I may never know the correct outside temp. until Fall ... I have hooked up my stand-alone air conditioner and the exhaust, you guessed it, is right over the thermometer sensor. Considering the trouble I had with the "easy installation," I'm not likely to start over. (Yesterday it was 87 F. and it feels hotter today.)
Indoors (in the kitchen and dining area), it's a comfy 79 F. I have installed my new utilitarian, if not weird, room dividers. I have two shower curtain rods each with its own see-through plastic shower curtain. One makes the living room separate (with its own stand-alone a.c.) and the other cuts off the kitchen/dining area from the hall (and bath and bedrooms). So while it looks like a mad scientist's lair, I can be comfortable in the living room AND at my computer in the dining room.
Did you ever have iced coffee and it tasted so good, you were sorry that it's gone? Yeah. I'll have to brew more coffee -- but it has to be decaf. I'd rather not be up until 3 a.m. on a night before work.
I went to church today which is air conditioned (thank you, Jesus!) and we are all still congratulating ourselves on being the first solar church in Amherst. (I don't think we'll beat the last electric bill of 8 cents for the month, because of the a.c.) Some of us were sitting in the pews, chatting amicably when the lights went off. Now, they weren't really necessary, because it was daylight and we were only chatting. But I knew instantly who had done that. It was Alan who is rapidly approaching his mid 80's if he's not already there. He's of my grandmother and grandfather's ilk: waste not want not. They recycled before it had the cutesy name of recycling. Swill became compost, you used tea bags more than once, you washed dishes, diapers, and 'tin foil' (although that was rarely used). Scrap lumber became beautiful furniture or (heaven forbid!) a carton-of-cigarettes-holder made out of wood scraps. Appliances were repaired -- over and over again.
During the service, they pass the collection plate and I never put anything in it. That's because I send an online check every week. And that is not because I'm so virtuous, it's because I have no memory. This way, I don't have to remember -- I tell my banking program how much to send and when to send it and I set it for one year at a time. (It also gives me an instant check on my donations for taxes.) Anyway ... after they collect the money, the Pastor says words over it and we all sing thanks. So after church, being the smart Alec that I am, I asked, "Do you pray over the online checks that come in the mail?" And she replied that very thing had come up at some church meeting last week. I got the feeling that she does not and someone thought there should be a way 'to honor' those gifts. Interesting. The Treasurer's statement (for my taxes) is fine with me. I've always found it to be a very odd part of church, beginning when I went from the Catholic church to the Episcopalian church. To me, it was as if they were praying to the money, but that's not it. I still find it weird to bring the money up front and pray.
I went to see the movie, "Much Ado About Nothing," directed by Josh Whedon last night. WOW! It is great! I have always loved Shakespeare and knew that he was funny, but this production is REALLY funny -- and sexy. Not bawdy, sexy. They kept the original dialogue, but it's set in modern times. Everything is just perfect and I don't want to give away the best parts, so I'll leave it at that. There are many very recognizable actors, but of course, I can't remember their names. The one that I can put with a show is that the guy who plays Castle is in it. The movie is so good, I wish Whedon would do all of Shakespeare's plays -- well, maybe not the Henrys -- nobody likes those!
My mother was chuckling over the fact that I now qualify for the senior citizen rate. Hey! The ticket was $7, not $9. I'll take it. Of course, add popcorn and a small drink and my total tab was $16. I'm going to have to get more editing jobs to support my movie going habit!
Yes, as you can see, this is really a blog about nothing. If I think of something else to ramble about, I'll be back.
I was stood up by the people who might buy my used furniture, so I thought about supper. I am one who needs color and loves the summer colors.
Here's a totally veggie casserole that I made.
The sauce on the right is some I made a while ago. I actually thought to defrost it in the fridge! Of course, the strawberries are for dessert.
Hot Italian (chicken) sausage cooking merrily while waiting for the ravioli water to boil. (Store bought fresh ravioli.)
O.k., it's 5 to 7 minutes for the ravioli ... I'm starting to peter out after two loads of laundry, changing the bed, cleaning the grease filter on the stove fan hood. (Who knew those got so yucky? Well, I did, but I forgot to clean it sooner rather than later.) I have washed half of the kitchen floor. I stopped thinking I'd have a visitor. Maybe I'll get back to it after putting out the trash and recycling. I don't think I can stand any more excitement -- 60 Minutes on TV might do me in!
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