I'm back! It's July 3, in the 50s and raining. Welcome to New England weather. If you don't like it, wait a bit and it will change.
I'm back after chopping and hacking at the jungle that is my front yard. After a couple of hours, I have a lot of cut leaves and branches to haul down the back. That's the great part of having scrub in your way back. Eventually, the cuttings turn into soil. The temperature has gotten all the way up to 61 degrees and it's overcast, raining off and on. It's heaven for gardening. I should go do some more, but I don't know if I have the oomph.
This is what I have been working on. It's slow going because I made this many years ago and I'm finding a whole host of mistakes that I'm fixing. I'm binding it now and have about 1/3 done.
A while ago, I had brought Emily a plant for her front door. It really liked the mini heat wave!
Today supposedly starts the second heat wave of the season. We had one before it was officially summer. I don't know -- it's only 90 degrees according to my phone (although the car said 94 F.).
Yesterday (Saturday), Emily and J came to meet me at my house in Amherst and we took him to Groff Park which is very close to my house. The new splash play area was open and loved by many children!
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