Tuesday, February 2, 2021

The Hummers Are Eating Us Out of House & Home!


There are at least five birds here slurping down the sugar water that Mom concocts for the little hummers. These hummingbirds have decided that this is the good stuff and Mom has to refill two or three times in a week! It sure is a difference from last year when one hummingbird chased all of the others away.


In an effort to boost the local economy, Mom and I went to have lunch on Phillippe's outdoor patio. It was breezy at times.

My lunch was yummy. I did find out the hard way, however, that it was not a strip of roasted sweet pepper, but a strip of roasted jalapeno pepper with seeds. My mouth was on fire for a bit. 


It was only last year that I was introduced to kumquats. We have a tree of them over by the pool.

Kumquat Tree

Kumquat Tree Close Up

Soup Can Is Size Reference

They taste like mini oranges with a tang. You eat the skin and all.


We went for chai in Palm Desert. Here's the view there.


Here's the center of Hey Diddle Diddle which I hand quilted. I think it gives it motion. To me it looks as if the Cow is jumping over the moon. I will machine quilt the rest. Anybody out there pregnant? Let me know if you want to buy the quilt.


Here's some color for those of you who have just received 9 to 15 inches of snow -- you know who you are!

Orange Flowers Hedge

Neighbor's Lantana


From the Netflix Movies I Have Loved Corner:

White Tiger -- this is set in India and it tells the journey of a young man who lives in grinding poverty with his family. It becomes intolerable for him to support the whole family, headed by his grandmother as a 'slave driver,' and he creates a position for himself with a wealthy family. What follows documents his treatment by his peers and his employers. This movie not only illuminates a whole different world, but it demonstrates the cultural differences between the bottom and top strata of economics.  There is a lot of drama here.

The Dig -- Set in England, and based on a true story, this movie tells us (in a dramatic way) of an excavation of a burial mound on a well to do woman's property. Ralph Finnes is the only actor's name I can remember and he's marvelous, of course, but so are the other actors. In particular, we were taken with the little boy who seems to be about 11 years old. This is great with no violence and no swearing and only a hint of sex!


We went to Aldi yesterday so now it's time for marathon cooking. First I have to find some recipes that are -- different. I'm tired of the same old thing. Although I am starting with chicken soup, which is a crowd pleaser. O.k., Mom is the crowd but she's all that matters. Right?

Virtual Hugs and Kisses to you all! Ciao.

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