Friday, October 9, 2020

My Dryer Lint Is Blue

 October 9, 2020

Yup, I finished washing and drying the rest of the blue fabric -- most of it for the By the Shore Quilt. However, I am forging ahead on the blue quilt back.

Ever had those days when you feel as if you can't do anything right? Well, I have had too many of those lately and have been stitch ripping for hours at a time. Jeanne came to my rescue and invited me to her house for some instruction. Imagine my delight to see the pink quilt in progress. I was thrilled -- Jeanne let me do some quilting! It's a 'wide meandering' stitch so it's all hand guided. (You can program the machine to do certain designs such as ferns and straight squares and you have to watch it with no hands on.)

Clipping an Errant Thread

Hand Guiding Quilted Swirls

I thought this wall hanging was super. I can't remember the price but if you are interested in buying anything from Jeanne, go to Hummingbird Garden Quilts.

Pegs and cards are in the bag that Jeanne has stitched. I'm wondering if I should brush up on cribbage and get a board for Mom. 

Who can resist this little guy? I think I liked the owl better (not shown) and there's also a Raggety Ann. Jeanne is so talented!

 'When did you last clean your machine?' Jeanne asked. 'Um, like never.' So I promised to do that first thing when I got home. Which is when I realized I didn't have any machine oil, not even any WD40. And the little screwdriver I have fits the Featherweight (1950 vintage machine), but is too small for this one. That meant a trip to Joann's where they have the oil but no screwdriver. Then it was on to Target which did not have any short screwdrivers. So I ended up buying a drill bit kit with the flat head that I need.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I find that I already have a flat head tip that goes into a screw driver that takes multiple bits. Using pliers instead of a handle, I use this flat head bit and get the face plate off. But I couldn't figure out how to get the bobbin casing out, so I head to YouTube. The lady was very informative, including telling me to use the screwdriver that came with the machine. It's the metal triangle in the pouch with needles, bobbins, and spare parts that came with the machine. Who knew?! They could have at least labeled it "screwdriver"! Sheesh. 

I took some photos on the way back from Jeanne's house. I also bought a cauliflower at the roadside farm stand that I passed.

I made some blueberry muffins this morning. That reminds me that it's time for a muffin and tea! Have a great weekend. Cheers!


  1. Beautiful what you call Fall colours. That lady does some lovely work. I also love the Sunflowers.


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