Yes, that has always been one of my mottos -- keep moving or you will rust!
Yesterday afternoon, Lee Anne and I decided that the hot tub would be good medicine for gym-sore muscles. It was about 70 degrees.
I loved these birdbaths! The wrought iron base is hanging on the sides of the display. I may buy one next year at home because I am still mourning my amethyst glass bird bath which cracked last year.

This is one of many fruit trees interspersed in the meditative garden.
View from the car on the way home to Palm Springs
Elaine, Lorne, and their son, Robert, graciously asked me to accompany them to the Wild Lights at The Living Desert. It was a wonderful night, not too cool although Robert never put his jacket on once. (They are Canadian, you know.) I didn't take as many pictures as last year but I enjoyed it immensely. (You could look at last December's blogs if you really want to see more pictures of the lights.)
The butterflies in this tree were animated, flapping their wings. I think this was a new installation this year.
I was so happy to get pictures of the live giraffes. They were quite a distance away and they were walking around. When we were about to leave, two of the babies folded up to lay on the ground and sleep. It was a graceful ballet.
Ooops! This is out of order. This is one of the date trees at Shields. See the ladders for picking and pollinating?

Yes, I'm one of those lunatics who loves the full moon (and sunsets).
Last Friday the 13th, Mom and I went to the Mizell Senior Center to pack holiday gifts for people who would be all alone on Christmas and Chanukah. The Meals on Wheels people will deliver the bags with their meal.
Below is the line of volunteers who were handing out the items as we circled around the tables with the bags to be filled. What is not shown here is the other row of volunteers who are back to back with these people. The gifts in my opinion are really necessities: tp, tooth paste and brushes, socks, deoderant, etc.
The photo below was taken during the break. This is the first 200 bags for women. The next 200 bags are for men. Volunteers whisked away these bags to another room so that we would have room for more. Unfortunately, we ran out of bags, so the staff were going to have to deal with it the next day. We think they had already scheduled volunteers for the next day.
Did I mention it was the day after the full moon when we went to Wild Nights?
Mom and I went to the last tutu making session. This is how the magic is accomplished. You put the elastic waistband around a chair and you tie on the strips of tulle.
Today we're going on a jaunt to the Augustine casino in Coachella because I am told that's where my favorite game is -- Cows in Space! We're meeting Carole and Cricket and I have to watch it so I can afford lunch, lol!
And while you may have to go to work and/or deal with snow, just keep moving! If breathing is the only moving you can do, that's o.k. too. Enjoy! Be nice to yourself and it will shine through to others. Cheers!
Hi Tina. Another interesting blog. Was interested in the way you and others volunteer putting together those bags of goodies for people. Always wondered how they made those TuTus. Enjoy the coolness whilst we swelter in over 40 degrees Celsius.