It was after Midnight by the time I got home, so technically it was today (Wednesday). I was delighted to see fresh cut tulips on my table (thank you, Farah!) and daffodils in the front yard.
Mom says I should get rid of the empty pot, but I'm going to put pansies in there. I spent much of today being cold. The cars across the street had frost on them at 7 a.m. and it got up to about 60 sunny degrees. It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
One thing I noticed: gas is at least a dollar cheaper here than in Palm Springs (even at Costco).
Then it was off to get my car inspected, which should have been done in March ... I had to wait almost an hour. I guess everybody else was late too.
As I waited at Jiffy Lube for my inspection, I saw this woman approaching the waiting room from the parking lot. She had a white cane that the blind use and a very heavy-looking shopping bag in the other hand, so I opened the door for her. She thanked me. I told her the desk attendant should be right back because he had just gone onto the service floor. She said, "I've waited hours in this place before." No, she wasn't dropped off by anyone.
After that I headed to Greenfield to renew my license and to make it a "real i.d." It will be necessary to have a real i.d. to fly after October 2020 (I think). I was very proud of me thinking I had all of the documentation (passport, social security card, etc.) needed until they said, '... and the second proof of address is ...' I had brought a letter from my bank but it was over 60 days old. Luckily, the woman told me I could use my car registration because everything else listed my PO Box, except for the gun license. I trotted out to the car to retrieve it.
While I was waiting for 45 minutes or so at the Registry of Motor Vehicles, I got to do a lot of people watching since there were a lot of people there. One older couple was finally called up to the window. She was very with it and helped him with his oxygen tank when he seemed to keep forgetting that he had tubing which limited him in how far he could walk away from the tank. The woman seemed to be in her late 70s and he in his 80s. Imagine my surprise when he took the eye test for a driver's license! I hope when he's driving that he doesn't get a kink in his oxygen ...
I was a bit surprised that I passed the eye test again without my glasses. I started wearing my glasses full time when I started on my master's degree. I felt I needed a boost to read street signs. Prior to that, I only used them for reading even though I've known since high school that I'm slightly near sighted. Oh, yes, and of course it was a bad hair day so my license picture is even worse than usual.
Then it was on to Aldi's to buy some food since all I had was eggs. Although I did find some peanut butter cookies and ham that I had frozen. I may go to Stop and Shop wearing my union jacket to support the picketers tomorrow.
I made an appointment to have the furnace cleaned. They said I hadn't done it since 2015. I find that hard to believe but I guess they are right. I have enough trouble cleaning the upstairs without worrying about the stupid oil furnace.
I pulled up the driveway reflectors, one of which was smashed to bits by the plow. And, yes, the grass was plowed up in several places. Next year I will get taller reflectors and put American flags on the top. We will see how that goes.
It's hard to believe that a couple of days ago I was sitting by the pool sipping mojitos!
Before I left (needless to say), Lee Anne and I went to Cardenas, the Mexican grocery store. I picked up ciccarrones to go with my mojitos. She called it "surf sized." I broke them up before the pool so that the others with us wouldn't have to do it.
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