It had actually stopped raining (it has been pouring) so we were able to have the service outside. Since it was 53 degrees, I had a thick sweater over my blouse under my faux leather jacket. Then the sun sort of rose; since it was an overcast day, there was no sunshine. But it was enough light to wake up the black flies ...
About the time I am yet again wondering why we insist on singing every verse to a hymn, I notice something which panicked me. My skirt was slipping down. I didn't wear a slip because this skirt is fully lined but I did need a camisole. Trying to be inconspicuous in front of a dozen people in a circle, I tugged on the skirt to hike it up. Shortly thereafter, I was able to scamper to my car forgoing the church breakfast.
Breathing a sigh of relief as I closed the garage door at home, I grabbed my key to get into the house. I used both hands because I have my keys hooked onto my purse. My skirt promptly fell down and hit the step as the outside garage door closed the last two inches. Phew!
My tulips need some sun.
I made some breakfast and got to use my new re-fillable K cups for the first time. I wasn't too thrilled with the grounds on the bottom of my cup, but I'll get used to it. I decided that I had better do the last minute stuff before my nap. I didn't have to put the chicken in to roast until 10 a.m. or so.
Since I'm a Yankee and parsimonious, (that means cheap) I hadn't run the dishwasher. But then I thought, 'That's when I will need those dishes when my guest arrives.' So I reached for the dishwasher detergent and -- there was none. Nothing. Oh, phooey. Remembering that I had forgotten to buy aluminum foil, I decided to whip over to Walmart. They are around the corner from where I live.
Walmart only had pods, not the powder in a box. The little door that holds the pod in has been broken for years on my dishwasher, but necessity is the mother of invention and I figured there must be some way to use those things. So I get home and wedge the soap pod in and turn on the dishwasher. Nothing. That's not true. The dishwasher said, "RRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" I turned the wheel back to start and it said, "RRRRRRRRRR" and I could hear water running -- barely. Finally, I decided that it wasn't going to work and I opened the dishwasher. Good thing because at that moment a small plume of smoke trickled out. I guess the motor burned up.
Yes, I have just finished hand washing a load of dishes. The chicken is in the oven and it's too early to make spaghetti squash mac and cheese. And the sun is coming out (11:30 a.m.)!
As I mentioned before, it has been raining. I live one street away from a golf course. At this time of year, they play SCUBA Golf. You think I'm kidding? I took pictures for you.
I'm standing at the very edge of the two lane road. When the trees leaf out and the underbrush fills in, you can only see the golfers in the far green area. (Yes, the grass really is this green!) I do not believe this course has any (planned) water hazards. But what do I know? I don't golf.
I think the sand trap is supposed to be a bit bigger ...
I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and more! Cheers!
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