I am very grateful for our military. I just wish they didn't have to fight. Wouldn't it be nice if they could just build wells and dams and help those less fortunate than we?
I have been productive in my own odd way. Yesterday I cooked up a storm so I don't have to cook for the rest of the week (and I froze enough for another week). Tomorrow is supposed to be in the 90s whereas yesterday and today have been in the 70s. Actually, it was in the 50s yesterday. I did get to use my new a.c. two days ago when it was 91 F.
Above: Mitsubishi Mini Split A.C.
Below is the outside apparatus for the mini split. See the empty space where two yew bushes used to be (to the right of the equipment)? That's thanks to my friend, Ann Greene and her trusty saw!

I now have mocha ice cream freezing. I had chilled the center of the ice cream maker for a while in the freezer and I decided the impending heat wave called for ice cream! (That's why I had an egg white omelette for breakfast. You only use the yolks in custard ice cream.) I didn't take a picture so you will have to make do with lunch.
I concocted my own spice rub for the ribs (adding a little Swerve for sweetener) and I made the cole slaw with (commercial) avocado mayo. It all was yummy.
No pictures of supper because I didn't take the bbq chicken thigh off the bone very neatly. I was rushing to get all of the trash out for tomorrow's pickup and I wanted to include that bone. It will pair very nicely with loaded cauliflower mash. (Mashed cauli with real bacon crumbles and cream cheese.)
I was out weeding again today. I should be done in about a year, lol.
From the front yard:
I rescued these from the Jones Library. Years ago, when a certain "friend" of the Library decided to put in a memorial garden for her husband, she unceremoniously pulled out all of these iris. The garden now has many diverse plants, few flowering.
To the far right of this, still on the former tree mound, is where I planted the hydrangea that Emily gave me for Mothers' Day. The plant is doing well. I may have to water it tomorrow if it does go to 90F. It rained yesterday so it's o.k. today.
And, yes, that yellow wagon is full of weeds that I pulled. What you don't see is that around the corner, the green metal lawn cart is also full of weeds and tree sucker cuttings. You think I exaggerate about having the most and best weeds in Christendom, but it's true.
Look what I found in the back yard!
I will be darned if I can remember their name, but I do remember planting them. I'll have to really work at clearing out that bed, but I have to get out there before the sun hits and that all depends on whether I can get out at 7 a.m.!
Lupine! They are lupine! I remembered something! Yay!!
Did I bore you with my latest painting yet? It was a fundraiser for ALS at Atkins Farms with my favorite painting teacher, Teri Magner.
My friend, Michelle, said it looks like The Old Man in the Mountain (New Hampshire; his nose fell off). I hadn't noticed it until she said that and now I can't "unsee" it, lol.
It's salad time again! My containers of lettuce are incredibly productive! The red lettuce is growing like a house afire! I can't wait until I have tomatoes. Woo hoo! Cross your fingers.
Time for me to eat supper. It's 8:30 p.m. and I'll be falling asleep soon. But since I haven't taken a shower yet after weeding, I'm sure the smell will wake me up. Cheers!
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