Monday, December 4, 2017

Meep, Meep!

Elaine (our lovely Canadian friend) and I went for a walk this morning. It was delightful and we walked out of the east entrance of Sunrise Villas and re-entered by the west (main) entrance. It's actually two different homeowners' associations. 

Anyway ... suddenly, Elaine said, "Where's your camera?!" as we saw a road runner near the pool. Then he was joined by Mrs. Roadrunner. They were about 100 yards away so I apologize for the not great photo. I tried to get closer but was only able to take three giant steps before they made their "I'm going to beat feet any second."

 I don't know how I did this one below! I think I cropped it and then enlarged it. Wish I could do it again.


1 comment:

  1. I was intrigued by the road runners. Beautiful photos as usual Tina, Palm Springs looks like it's a great place to live.


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