The Puff Quilt (known by some as the Pouf Quilt) is done! The backing is off white fleece.
As you can see, it's as wide as the couch seat but only half the length. So it is a small lap quilt.
I have been fighting off a cold since Thursday and was really sick Friday night. But I've been using Equate which is like an alka seltzer with vitamin C and zinc with lots of tea and fluids and I seem better. Saturday morning I was fine, which surprised me. I'm hoping it doesn't "bloom" into the awful cold many people at work have been battling. Of course, I've done nothing all day except sew.
I did make some chicken curry yesterday which turned out to be delicious. I served it over cauliflower "rice." Yes, I made chicken soup at the same time.
Tonight's supper is chili (no beans) with Miracle Rice.
As I got going on sewing the backing to the quilt, I didn't get up to get the remote and change the channel on the TV. Hence, I am in the middle of a "Naked and Afraid" marathon. This (their challenges and my watching the marathon) is my idea of hell.
First of all, I can't for the life of me figure out why these people do this. Supposedly, they don't get any prize except the satisfaction of having survived 21 days in a jungle, or desert -- naked. They always pair a guy and a gal and the first time they meet, they are naked.
If they have to leave because they can't stand it or for a medical issue, they call it "tapping out." One poor guy had to tap out because he got some black tree sap on him that burned his skin like acid and it was much more virulent than poison ivy. (I think they called it a Chinko tree.) A woman had to tap out because a pot of boiling water burned her when the logs on the fire shifted. She got third degree burns which got infected.
But barring accidents, hypothermia (and hyper), plus dehydration are real threats to life and limb. And even if they are 'fine,' they are being eaten alive by mosquitoes and other bugs. There are wild boar, howler monkeys and big cats that can eat them. It's not my idea of a vacation.
As I have always said, my idea of roughing it is a black and white TV in a motel room.
Well, it has certainly warmed up: it's 17 F. (Hey! It was 9 F. the other morning.) I was kinda hoping for spring, but I guess I have to wait. Of course I do! It's only March. Bah humbug.
Don't you just love this Daylight Savings Time? Me either.
Yes we get those stupid shows over here but we don't watch any of them. They must get paid well to them I think.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get over your cold quickly. The quilt looks great by the way.
Gorgeous quilt!!!!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteYes the quilt is lovely!!! Your story was interesting --- could trellis maker be a romantic interest --- or were you headed more for the police procedural direction? Naked and afraid I had heard about but it's not attractive on a day like today which could be called Naked and Frozen? 😊💐🐈 Marlene