Wednesday, January 11, 2017

While I Think of It

Pinterest is very helpful and sends me what my friends have pinned. This may or may not be a blessing. (I have one friend who collects masks and they scare me.)

Last time, my friend Maria posted uses of coffee grounds in the garden. My first thought was that would mean I actually have to go out back and pretend I'm gardening first. My second thought was, "It's going to take me a bucket load of time to empty those K cups!" Although I did remember that I make iced coffee in the summer using the regular multi-cup pot. A helpful commentator to the Pin suggested getting coffee grounds from a local coffee shop. Since the Library is right across the street from Amherst Coffee, I could do that. I do wonder, though, is it dark or light roast?

O.k., I'm done with this cold snap. It was 7 F. this a.m. and by the time I got to work, it had warmed to 14 F. That is not enough. Just sayin'.

Today, Wednesday, it was 43 F. in the a.m. We went from 7 to 43. Sheesh. It's welcome, but weird.

I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself! O.k., I won't. Mom and I are going to take a river cruise in France starting in Paris!!!!! This will be mid-June. Ou est le bateau? (Where is the boat?) is the first phrase in French that Lisa has taught me. Hopefully, I'll never have to use it!
Image result for picture of viking river cruise

I can't even imagine what clothing to bring. Shoes, I'll need good walking shoes. Sigh. Good thing I have time to plan. :)


This made my day. I can only take credit for the design and piecing. Jeanne Harlow did the long arm quilting.  Emma and Alex Cowan produced baby Carter Rose.

I may need some dinosaur booties for myself.

It sure looked like a full moon tonight. Arooooo! The moon was a little hazy and there was an ear-shaped pink glow on the right side of the moon. I have never seen that before.

1 comment:

  1. My neighbour and our exercise leader went on these trips and they had a lovely time. My neighbour is a person who doesn't like getting out of her comfort zone and I was worried she might hate the trip but she loved it.


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