Last time, my friend Maria posted uses of coffee grounds in the garden. My first thought was that would mean I actually have to go out back and pretend I'm gardening first. My second thought was, "It's going to take me a bucket load of time to empty those K cups!" Although I did remember that I make iced coffee in the summer using the regular multi-cup pot. A helpful commentator to the Pin suggested getting coffee grounds from a local coffee shop. Since the Library is right across the street from Amherst Coffee, I could do that. I do wonder, though, is it dark or light roast?
O.k., I'm done with this cold snap. It was 7 F. this a.m. and by the time I got to work, it had warmed to 14 F. That is not enough. Just sayin'.
Today, Wednesday, it was 43 F. in the a.m. We went from 7 to 43. Sheesh. It's welcome, but weird.
I am so excited, I can hardly contain myself! O.k., I won't. Mom and I are going to take a river cruise in France starting in Paris!!!!! This will be mid-June. Ou est le bateau? (Where is the boat?) is the first phrase in French that Lisa has taught me. Hopefully, I'll never have to use it!
I can't even imagine what clothing to bring. Shoes, I'll need good walking shoes. Sigh. Good thing I have time to plan. :)
This made my day. I can only take credit for the design and piecing. Jeanne Harlow did the long arm quilting. Emma and Alex Cowan produced baby Carter Rose.
I may need some dinosaur booties for myself.
It sure looked like a full moon tonight. Arooooo! The moon was a little hazy and there was an ear-shaped pink glow on the right side of the moon. I have never seen that before.
My neighbour and our exercise leader went on these trips and they had a lovely time. My neighbour is a person who doesn't like getting out of her comfort zone and I was worried she might hate the trip but she loved it.