Sunday, January 15, 2017

Moon Struck

Last Friday

Driving to the gym this morning, I looked over the snowless fields of corn stubble and saw the moon. It was incredibly huge, bright and low in the sky. It looked as if someone had  switched on an old fashioned incandescent light behind the moon. It glowed a soft yellow and the Man in the Moon seemed particularly benevolent.  Not wanting to create an accident (it is a two lane country road after all), I had to wait until I parked to get a shot. Here it is. The bottom bricks are the top of the building.


So here it is Sunday night and the huge moon is low in the sky and a golden color. I just got back home from seeing the original Singing in the Rain (with Debbie Reynolds, Gene Kelly, and Donald O'Connor). Of course, I had forgotten my phone at home so no picture. I even went onto the back deck, but the trees block the sight of the moon. This lunatic has no pictures to share.

The movie, of course, was fantastic. I had forgotten the plot and only remembered the fabulous dance scenes. The only song where I really enjoyed the singing was "Good Morning" and Debbie Reynolds did most of the singing there.  Boy, was Cyd Charisse ever a hot tamale -- wow! So Lisa and I had a great time watching this movie. We can't wait for the next "oldie but goodie" movie.


Church today was all about Martin Luther King Day (tomorrow) and how we should be seeking social justice. The Pastor began talking about symbols and mentioned how "the lamb of God" was often used for Jesus. She said a friend had been given a hand made stole which was lovely but which sported a lamb of God dripping blood. Ick, ick, ick. I don't understand why Christians continue to use this symbol -- isn't that a throwback from the pagan animal sacrifices?

As a Roman Catholic (in my youth), I got used to seeing Christ depicted with a crown of thorns and blood droplets on his brow. My favorite was the exposed heart -- I think that's what gave me the interest in medicine. (I now know that real hearts do not glow, nor do they have thorns around them either.)

I remember the former minister at the Episcopalian church where I used to go saying how he thought that image of Jesus on the cross was awful and nothing more than a symbol of torture. This came as a great surprise to me because I had been wearing a cross -- no body on it -- but still a cross.

At the Congregational Church today, the Pastor had trouble finding symbols in the sanctuary. There was only the one small cross in front of the lectern. No stained glass depicting the lamb of God, no statues, no nothing. There's certainly nothing to distract me unless one of the two candles begin to gutter.


I had an enjoyable hour watching Jim Gaffigan in Cinco, his fifth TV special. He said there is one for each of his kids and he sure hoped it was his last special! I'm guessing he's Catholic. He told some really funny jokes so that I was literally laughing out loud. It's good to laugh. It cleared out my pipes.


I have started a new series on Amazon Prime called "Sneaky Pete." It's about a fellow getting out of prison and he learns that bad guys from whom he stole money want their money back or they are going to kill him. So he takes the identity of his prison cell mate and shows up claiming the other guy's grandparents as his own. In the second episode there is some violence and I have a feeling that may escalate. But I can always close my eyes!


I have tomorrow off and I'm really looking forward to sleeping late. Let's see if that happens. Ciao.

Monday Post Script

Yup, I slept late. Woo hoo! In fact, I lazed around in bed watching a Law and Order that I have seen at least 4 times. For some reason, the donk donk! at the beginning of the show is comforting. I think it's because they always get the bad guy. If they don't, it's continued and they get him in the next one!

Right now I have brussels sprouts, radishes, and bacon wrapped meatballs in the oven. I have already hard boiled many eggs -- I'm bringing deviled eggs to a friend's house. She's giving me dinner, so I'm bringing starters.

I have washed 8 million plastic containers and storage units and I have to fetch the dried laundry from the dryer. Oh, yes, I'll have to package lunches once the cooking is done. (I have already cooked some chicken thighs.) My goal is to make cream of mushroom soup, but I don't know if I'll get to that. 

And I have a top secret sewing project to finish.

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