As I cross the line from Connecticut into Massachusetts, it begins to sleet and snow in earnest and I'm very careful. But soon, the traveling lane is filled with tractor trailers and trucks. So I ease into the passing lane and proceed with caution. After a while, my car slid left into the deeper (unplowed) snow and I began a slide to the left ditch. I was not amused but kept enough composure to not yank the wheel to the right. It was a good thing since there was a tractor trailer on my right. I managed to slip and slide home but it was very tense!
When I got home, I noticed that the suction cup hand holder that I had put in the tub was on the floor. I don't know who was taking a shower while I was gone but that was freaky.
Oh, another vacation "fun thing": somebody hacked into my credit card and charged $141.01 from some "toy store." They are sending me a new credit card by UPS. It was pretty funny to see "The International Spy Museum" on my credit card statement. I bought myself a mug that says "I Was Never Here."
On Saturday Jane and I went to the Silver Spring Farmers' Market. It was very pleasant.
You fill up a basket (small or large) and they weigh the salad greens for you. These people had lovely young brussels sprouts which roasted nicely.
So I had to Google the Muscle Bound Lummox (third from the left) and that's what 'Grandpap called the third generation of Wenks ...' I still don't what it is beyond "a sauce."
Fancy apples. Yummy too.
Good bread.
We bought these potatoes because we were missing Maria. They only look special; they taste ordinary.
How brilliant is this? They planted a salad bowl for you to grow! Of course, they didn't have snow on April 4th. Mumble, grumble.
On Sunday (yesterday) I made a roast stuffed chicken with roasted brussels sprouts and the Maria potatoes. Jane grilled eggplant slices. We enjoyed our Sunday dinner and then Jane and I headed out to watch "Hello My Name Is Doris" with Sally Field and Tyne Daly. I enjoyed the movie a lot and when Jane said, 'Do you want to go in here?' pointing to a shoe store, I said, "Heck yes!" Topped with a Starbucks, we had a very wonderful Sunday. By the way, there were 5 African men sitting next to us gossiping as if they were at a hen party. Don't tell me guys don't talk and gossip a lot!
The Spring of Our Discontent
Here's the front yard around 1:30 p.m. today when I got home. I don't know if you can see any of the poor daffodils -- there is one near the light.
And here's the back yard as it is quietly snowing. We ended up with about six inches. I hope it melts because I didn't hear any snow plows.
I love the markets you go to. Pity there are none close to me. I miss that sort of thing. I'm also happy we don't get snow here as I'd hate to drive through it.