Above was actually yesterday's lunch. Tonight, for supper, I made homemade chicken soup with a bit of leftover chorico. The sausage gave it a nice zip. I added fresh green beans, cabbage, onions, etc.
So today I decided to fix my garbage disposal. No, no go. I tried the re-set button several times. I have the fix-it people coming on Wednesday afternoon.
I thought I had been clever in putting the household cleaners in a cardboard box so that in this situation, I could just pull out the box. Well, yes, sort of. The sink had dripped into the cardboard box ... ick! It was a good opportunity to combine partial bottles of glass cleaner and throw out dried out silver polish. When I went to the grocery store, I got a plastic 'dish washing' pan for $1.99 to replace the gross cardboard. I already had a plastic one on the other side so now it's very neat.
After hanging up two loads of laundry, I decided to go to the gym for a "strength" class. Nope, the instructor didn't advise it because I'm still sore from the bout of sacroiliac pain. So I did a bit on the recumbent bike and then hit the hot tub. Wow! The hot tub felt SO good that I went into the pool and did my treading water thing. Then the hot tub again.
After that, it was off to the supermarket to return bottles. No, Cyndi, the machines wouldn't take the flavored sparkling water bottles. I don't know if it was because I bought them at Costco and not Stop and Shop, but I left them there.
Speaking of Cyndi, I had a fabulous time at her birthday dinner at Galaxy in Easthampton. Their food is fabulous and I told the chef so on my way out.
Half of the table with Cyndi the Birthday Girl at the head of the table next to George.
At the party, I learned that they are not oxen until they are trained. I said, "You mean they are cows?!?!" And Cyndi said, "No, because they are boys. Steer, actually." Sheesh, who knew? I thought an ox or oxen were a whole different kind of beast.
Now I have to google moose, elk, and reindeer all over again. Maybe I just need an animal crib sheet. Although, I have to admit that I have never used oxen in a sentence before. Sure, crossword puzzles, but that's about it. But my friend, Cyndi, apparently has a blossoming relationship with the oxen at Old Sturbridge Village. Who knew? (I wonder if they sent her a birthday card.)
Sorry that so much of this is about food. I am determined to make things that I can bring for lunch. I plan to make meal-sized containers so I can just grab something in the a.m. That goes for salads too. That reminds me: I should make some crustless quiche for breakfasts ...
She did it again. Nancy beat me by over a hundred points at Words with Friends. And then Mom goes and beats me. I would go in the back yard and eat dirt, but we got a dusting of snow last night and there's none available. And then, then, to add insult to injury: the darn game trumpeted a 30 point word for me. Ahem. No, that was a 55 point word! Sheesh. I'm still losing. Sigh. Maybe I'll find someone who doesn't speak English ...
Okay, have potted up the pre-cooked food and one salad for tomorrow. Have washed 8 zillion dishes. I'm going to bed! I wish you all a happy week!
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