Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Wednesday Musings

So I admit it: I have to take Omerpratzole daily.  No, I don't know how to say it. It keeps away the killer heartburn that puts holes in my espophagus.  I can go for two or three days without it, but then I get the burning in my throat.

So this morning, before jumping into the car to go to work, I realized I needed to open that bottle that I had bought yesterday.  I finally wrestle off the child proof top only to find my favorite foil seal.  Thank you, chemical makers, for protecting me from crazed poisoners.  However, give me my stuff!! I struggled for a while as there is no tab.  I have finger nails -- which wouldn't get under the foil.  Finally, in desperation, I grabbed a toothbrush and stabbed the damned thing.  

It's also impossible for me to open most everything that you buy at a supermarket.  Do they really need to package luncheon meat so that you need to use a machete to get to it?  All I want is a turkey sandwich she whined. 

How about ring tabs on tuna fish or soft drinks?  Isn't it fun when they break off?  Ever try to use a can opener on a can of seltzer? It's not a pretty sight.


Speaking of pretty sights:

The Route 9 Diner

The tree! I mean the tree is pretty!

So far we have gone from 85 F on Monday to 65 F today.  Of course, I like it a bit cooler, but I'm so happy spring is here.


I am happy to say that after about 4 years of nothing, my indoor peace lily is about to bloom. I am amazed.  At work, one of the indoor plants on Lisa's desk has a new bud.  None of us has ever seen that type of plant bloom.  Looking at the bud, there is a yellow center tightly wrapped in a cream bud.  I said to Lisa, "That yellow center must be the stamen and it's big; that's one sexy plant!"  Lisa looked right at me and said, "You need to get out more!"

I guess she's right.  But I did go to see Capt. America last weekend.  My review: Bam! Pow! Zap!  I'm sure 13 year old boys love it.


I've only read a few pages in Botched Executions by Austin Sarat (President of the Jones Library Board of Trustees).  It's interesting in a gruesome sort of way.  I don't understand how state sanctioned executions are different from other types of killing.  But I guess the reasoning is, "He needed killing."  To me, life in prison with no parole (and no frills like college courses, visits, TV, etc.) would be much worse.  When I expressed this view, a friend said, 'What about redemption?'  I think, fine, let them regret their evil ways, but I think they should stay in jail.

I also can't figure out why people would want to go to a public execution. (We don't do that any more, but there are witnesses.)  Is it a communal blood lust?  I read that people from miles around would travel to see public executions.  Why?  It certainly couldn't have been too much time on their hands -- this was prior to the 1930s when everything took time and lots of labor.


Okay, I can see you all yawning. I'm going to bed.  That is if I can get the cap off the ibuprofen.

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